Job - Minimum Rate

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Job - Minimum Rate


A Rate Minimum feature has been included in this release to provide the ability to enter a minimum rate on pay rate rule items, to display in the job order. Where the Rate Minimum feature has been enabled, a new field (labelled as defined in Agency Portal > Portal Maintenance > Country Settings > Rate Minimum Label) is available in Pay Rate Rules (see Rate Minimum Value in Pay Rate Rules).

Where a Rate Minimum value is defined against the Pay Rate, it will display in the agreement rates matrix in a job order and job templates. The field displays next to the Pay Rate and is labelled as per the Rate Minimum Label. Next to the Rate Minimum value a Rate Difference value will display. This will show the calculated difference between the Pay Rate and the Rate Minimum. These fields are display only, however if the user changes the Pay Rate, the Rate Difference will be re-calculated so the user can see the impact.

Where a Pay Rate Rule item has a Rate Minimum value stored, if it is used in a subsequent Calculation Rate Type, on display in the Job Order's rates, the Rate Minimum value will also have the calculation applied. For example, a Normal rate with a Rate Minimum value stored, if used in a Calculation Rate Type for Double Time, the Agreement Rate Matrix for the Double Time Pay Code will show the corresponding Rate Minimum item with the same calculation applied.

An example of this is shown below.


This enhancement provides an agency with the ability to display a comparison rate value in the Job or Job Template's Agreement Rate matrix. For example, if the Agency pays above an award rate, the Rate Minimum field in the Agreement's Pay Rate Rules may be used to store the actual award rate, so a person viewing the Rate Matrix in the Job can see the difference between the two.


Where this feature is enabled, and values have been stored against Pay Rate Rules, the fields will display automatically where the related Agreement is assigned to a Job or Job Template.
The Rate Minimum feature is enabled as described in Enabling Rate Minimum Functionality. To enter a Rate Minimum value on an Award Rate Pay Code Rule, see Rate Minimum Value in Pay Rate Rules.


