FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

FastTrack360 Release 11.39 (UK Release 12.10).


This release is primarily focussed on compliance items for New Zealand payroll, however we have also managed to squeeze in a few exiting new features! 

Release Date Timeframe

  • Clients that utilise the New Zealand Payroll module received the 11.39 release in March 2021. These clients will receive the 11.39 Patch 1 release from mid June 2021

  • All other AU clients - the 11.39 and 11.39 Patch 1 release will be included with the ATO Tax changes, as such will be deployed from mid June 2021 

The Top Highlights

Here are our top features split across the main modules in front and back office:

Bulk Rate Update

Report Module Enhancements

Edit Rates API - edit Agreement and Standard Rates for Jobs and Templates

Referral Workflow Email / SMS Automation 

Referral Workflow Email / SMS Automation - observe Opt Out (11.39 Patch 1)

Copy Job - Include Job Template Rate Link

Event Based Custom Actions (11.39 Patch 1)

In Email Approval/Rejection - New granular Action Merge Tags

Support for Payday Filing V2 (Payroll NZ only)

Client raised enhancements completed

We would like to thank the customers that have taken the time to complete Enhancement Requests, we value your suggestions.  Please see below for details on enhancement items completed in this release:

Enhancement No


E-00000527; E-00000928

Copy Job - ability to include link to Job Template Rates in the copied job

E-00000378; E-00001002; E-00001014; E00001038

Referral Workflow Automation - Email / SMS

Other Features to Look Forward to

In addition to the items above, you will also receive improvements briefly described below.  You will find even more detail in the online What’s New Guide.


Short Description

Front Office

Back Office

Submission of Leave Requests for all Leave Types (v11.39P1 onwards)

Leave requests can now be submitted via the Leave Request module for leave that accrues based on a percentage of wage or a fixed wage amount. Click here for more details.



Changes to Payee KiwiSaver Details

The KiwiSaver Details tab on Payee records in the Payroll New Zealand module has been redesigned and removed from under the payee validity periods to support the requirements for reporting KiwiSaver details under v2 of Payday Filing and to provide better compliance with KiwiSaver business rules. Click here for more details.



Payday Filing Submission Report Changes

The Payday Filing submission reports in the Payroll New Zealand module have been enhanced in line with changes to how data is reported to the IRD under v2 of Payday Filing. Click here for more details.



New Secondary Income Tax Codes

In line with legislated tax changes for the 2021-22 New Zealand tax year, the new tax codes SA and SA SL have been added for payees earning a secondary income and have an annual income that exceeds $180k. Click here for more details.



Changes to Payment of Leave Accrued Based on % of Wage (v11.39P1 onwards)

Changes have been made to the way the system injects leave payments, for leave that has accrued based on a percentage of wage, to ensure correct reduction of leave balances based on the total cost of the leave taken. Click here for more details.




