FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Interpreter Results

This section gives an overview of the Interpreter Results module, how it is used to review and adjust interpreted timesheets and how it is used to monitor timesheets awaiting interpretation.

The Interpreter module allows administrators to do the following:

  • monitor the processing of timesheets by the Interpreter service

  • review and adjust timesheets that have been processed by the Interpreter service.

The Interpreter Results module allows administrators to review and adjust timesheets that have been interpreted against a pay and bill agreement before the pay and bill data, generated by the interpretation of the timesheet, is sent to the Pay and Billing applications respectively.

The Interpreter Results module also allows administrators to check for and manage approved timesheets that are awaiting interpretation against a pay and bill agreement.

To understand how the Interpreter Results application is used, it is important to understand the process by which pay and billing data is obtained from timesheets within the FastTrack system. This process is summarised in the diagram below.

As shown in the diagram above, a timesheet that is submitted and approved via the Time and Attendance module is flagged with the Released status.

At regular intervals, an Interpreter service retrieves timesheets flagged with the Released status and processes each of those timesheets against a pay agreement and bill agreement. This generates pay and bill data. The pay data is sent to the Pay application in order to calculate and consolidate the payee's pay into the relevant pay period. The bill data is sent to the Billing application to allow invoices to be generated and distributed to clients.

Prior to sending the pay and bill data from an interpreted timesheet to the Pay and Billing applications, the interpreted timesheet is flagged with the Not Reviewed status. This allows an administrator to review the interpreted timesheet and, if necessary, to adjust the timesheet to correct any anomalies. This is done via the Interpreter Review area within the Interpreter Results module.

Once the timesheet has been reviewed, it is flagged with a status of Reviewed. This allows the Pay and Billing applications to process the pay and bill data obtained by interpreting the timesheet.

Throughout this process, an administrator can monitor the timesheets that are in the Released status and are awaiting interpretation. This is done via the Interpreter Batch Enquiry area within the Interpreter Results application.

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