FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Important Notices & Breaking Changes 12.34
The enhancements described in the related pages below represent significant functional changes that you must be aware of prior to upgrading to this release. Some of these enhancements require specific actions before or immediately after upgrading and are therefore highlighted here for your reference. Please refer to the relevant sections of this What’s New Guide, as identified below, for detailed information about each enhancement and any configuration that is required.
Please be aware of the following important points about upgrading to this release:
Please ensure that no pay batches remain open in the Payroll module at close of business on your notified upgrade date. All pay batches must be closed before FastTrack can proceed with upgrading your environment.
API Changes
If you consume FastTrack360 APIs, there are enhancements/defect fixes you should be aware of in the V12.34 release. Please review these changes carefully to ensure you understand any possible impact to your integrations.
These changes will be available with API Version 334.
Get Single Payee
The GET Single Payee UK API displays the latest year to date figures including child related payments where a value exists for the child related pay. The API has been updated to include SNCP YTD in the ytdFigures section of the response.
API Defect Fixes
The following API defects have been fixed in this release:
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