Listing Interpreted Timesheets

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Listing Interpreted Timesheets

The Interpreter Review screen within the Interpreter Results module allows you to find and list interpreted timesheets. That is, timesheets that have been submitted, approved and have been processed by the Interpreter service. The interpreted timesheets you list in the Interpreted Review screen can be reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted to correct any errors prior to undergoing pay and bill processing.

The Interpreter Review screen allows you to search for specific timesheets that you want to review or adjust by allowing you to specify search criteria. For example, if the wrong pay agreement was assigned to a job order, resulting in timesheets for that job order being interpreted against the wrong pay agreement, you can identify and list the relevant timesheets by searching on criteria such as the job order number, payee name, payee ID and/or pay agreement name.

A timesheet status can be assigned to Client records in the Recruitment Manager module to determine the status type that is to apply to a client’s timesheets when they are processed by the Interpreter service and therefore whether manual intervention is required to review and release the client’s timesheets for payment and billing respectively.

For example, if a client’s timesheet status has a status type of Reviewed - Pay Only the client’s interpreted timesheets will be available for payment in a pay batch as soon as they are interpreted without the need for manual intervention to review and release the timesheets. However, the timesheets will not be released automatically for billing and manual intervention will be required in Interpreter Review to review and release the timesheets before they can be included in an invoice batch.

If an interpreted timesheet status is not assigned at the Client level, the system applies the interpreted timesheet status that is flagged as Interpreted Timesheet Status Default for the country to which the timesheet is linked in Interpreted Timesheet Status Maintenance.

However, adjustment timesheets are always defaulted to a status type of Not Reviewed when they undergo interpretation irrespective of the setting on the Client record or in Interpreted Timesheet Status Maintenance. That prevents an adjustment timesheet from being released for pay and/or billing prior to the original timesheet, if the original timesheet is yet to be released from the Interpreter.

To display the Interpreter Review screen, click Interpreter Review at the top of the Interpreter Results window. An example of the Interpreter Review screen is shown below.

The Interpreter Review screen consists of a search section, which allows you to define the search criteria for finding timesheets, and a list grid that lists the timesheets that match the search criteria you specify. The list grid is empty until you search for timesheets.

Note that the search section of the Interpreter Review screen will be hidden automatically after you perform a search to make more screen space available for listing timesheets. You can hide and un-hide the search section by clicking the /\ icon, as shown in the example below.

How to Search for Interpreted Timesheets

To search for interpreted timesheets, follow the procedure below.


At the top of the Interpreter Results window, click Interpreter Review.

The Interpreter Review screen opens.


In the search section at the top of the Interpreter Review screen, key or select the relevant search criteria depending on the timesheets you want to review or adjust.

Primary Tab


The timesheet status of the interpreted timesheets that are to be listed. The status names that can be selected in this field, and the option that is selected by default, depend on the statuses that are configured in Interpreted Timesheet Status Maintenance.


Status Type

The status type that applies to the interpreted timesheets that are to be listed. The following options are available:

Any - this is the default option and lists timesheets irrespective of their interpreted timesheet status type.

Not Reviewed - lists only those timesheets that are yet to be flagged as reviewed and have not been released for pay or bill processing.

Reviewed - Pay and Bill - lists only those timesheets that are flagged as reviewed and have been released for pay and bill processing.

Reviewed - Bill Only - lists only those timesheets that are flagged as reviewed for billing purposes only and have been released for bill processing but are not released for pay processing.

Reviewed - Pay Only - lists only those timesheets that are flagged as reviewed for pay purposes only and have been released for pay processing but are not released for bill processing.


Week Ending From

Earliest week ending date of timesheets to be listed. To list only those timesheets with a week ending date that falls on or after a specific date, click and use the calendar control to
select the relevant date.

Note: As some searches with just date ranges can impact the system performance where result volumes are very large, the Week Ending Date range is limited to 12 months. This date range limitation is voided if you wish to search on greater than 12 months or use just Start Date / End Date or no dates at all, where one or more of the following search criteria are applied: Batch Id; Back Pay Batch Id; Batch Date Range; Payee No; Job Order Number; Client Number; Payment Terms Date Range, Timesheet Id or at least one Office is selected.


Week Ending To

Latest week ending date of timesheets to be listed. To list only those timesheets with a week ending date that falls on or before a specific date, click and use the calendar control to
select the relevant date.

Note: As some searches with just date ranges can impact the system performance where result volumes are very large, the Week Ending Date range is limited to 12 months. This date range limitation is voided if you wish to search on greater than 12 months or use just Start Date / End Date or no dates at all, where one or more of the following search criteria are applied: Batch Id; Back Pay Batch Id; Batch Date Range; Payee No; Job Order Number; Client Number; Payment Terms Date Range, Timesheet Id or at least one Office is selected.


Job Order Number

Recruitment Manager job order number of the job order to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to a specific job order, key the job order number in this field.


Candidate No

Recruitment Manager Candidate number of the Candidate (Payee) to which the timesheets belong.


Payee Number

Recruitment Manager candidate number of the payee to whom the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets associated with a specific candidate number, key the candidate number in this field.


Payee First Name

First name of the payee to whom the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to a specific payee, key the payee's first name in this field.
Note that you can type part of the payee's first name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any payee first name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any first name ending with the letters an.


Payee Surname

Surname of the payee to whom the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to a specific payee, key the payee's surname in this field.
Note that you can type part of the payee's surname and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any payee surname beginning with the letters an while %an will match any surname ending with the letters an.

Purchase Order No

Purchase order with which the timesheets are associated. To list only those timesheets that are associated with a specific purchase order number, key the order number in this field.



Country to which timesheets belong. This defaults to the country to which you are assigned. To list timesheets belonging to another country, select the relevant country in this field. Alternatively, select Any Country to list timesheets regardless of the country to which they belong.



Agency brand to which timesheets belong. This defaults to Any Brand, thereby allowing timesheets to be listed regardless of the agency brand to which they belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to a specific agency brand, select the relevant brand in this field.


Geographic region to which timesheets belong. This defaults to Any, thereby allowing timesheets to be listed regardless of the region to which they belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to a specific region, select the relevant region in this field.


Agency office to which timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to a specific agency office, select the relevant office in this field. Multiple offices can be selected.


Pay Agreement Name

Name of the pay agreement against which timesheets were interpreted. To list only those timesheets interpreted against a specific pay agreement, key the pay agreement name in this field.
Note that you can type part of the pay agreement name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any pay agreement name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any pay agreement name ending with the letters an.


Bill Agreement Name

Name of the bill agreement against which timesheets were interpreted. To list only those timesheets interpreted against a specific bill agreement, key the bill agreement name in this field.
Note that you can type part of the bill agreement name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any bill agreement name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any bill agreement name ending with the letters an.


Client No.

Recruitment Manager client number of the client company associated with the timesheets. To list only those timesheets associated with a specific client number, key the client number in this field.


Client Name

Name of the client company associated with the timesheets. To list only those timesheets associated with a specific client, key the client company name in this field. Note that you can type part of a client company name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the company name. For example, an% will match any client company name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any client company name ending with the letters an.


Secondary Tab

Timesheet Type

Type of timesheets to be listed. The default is Any, which allows you to list timesheets regardless of their type. Alternatively, you can select one of the following options to list only those timesheets of a specific type:

Normal – only original timesheets will be listed.

Adjustment – only adjustment timesheets created by adjusting an original timesheet via the Time and Attendance adjustment workflow will be listed.
Back Pay – only adjustment timesheets created by the Back Pay process will be listed.

Adjusted Back Pay – only adjustment timesheets created by adjusting an adjustment timesheet, which was created by the Back Pay process, via the Time and Attendance adjustment workflow will be listed.


Adjustment Reason

Reason why a timesheet was adjusted. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to list adjusted timesheets regardless of the adjustment reason. To list only those timesheets adjusted with a specific adjustment reason, select the relevant adjustment reason from the available list. This field is disabled if you select Normal in the Timesheet Type field.


Employment Type

Employment type of the job position associated with the timesheets. To list only those timesheets associated with a specific employment type, select the employment type in this field.


Pay Group

Name of the pay group to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets that belong to a specific pay group, key the pay group name in this field.
Note that you type part of the pay group name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any pay group name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any pay group name ending with the letters an.


Timesheet Comments

Define if the search result needs to include timesheets that have or do not have Timesheet Comments. Defaults to Any.


Debtor No

Unique, system-generated code that identifies a specific debtor associated with the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that are associated with a specific debtor, key the debtor code in this field.


Debtor Name

Name of the debtor company to be billed as a result of processing the timesheets. To list only those timesheets associated with a specific debtor, key the name of the debtor company in this field. Note that you type part of a debtor name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the debtor name. For example, an% will match any debtor name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any debtor name ending with the letters an.


Parent Name

Name of parent company that owns the client associated with the timesheets. To list only those timesheets associated with a client that belongs to a specific parent company, key the name of the parent company in this field. Note that you can type part of a parent company name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the company name. For example, an% will match any parent company name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any parent company name ending with the letters an.



Allows you to search for timesheets based on whether they have undergone pay and/or billing processing. This field is available only if the Reviewed option is selected in the Status field.

Any - this is the default option and lists timesheets regardless of whether they have been paid or billed.

Yes - lists only those timesheets that are paid or billed or both.

No - lists only those timesheets that are yet to be paid or billed.


Interpreter Batch (sub-section)

Batch ID

ID number of the interpreter batch within which timesheets were processed. To list only those timesheets that were part of a specific interpreter batch, key the batch ID number in this field.

Back Pay Batch ID

ID number of the Back Pay Batch.

Batch Date From

Earliest date on which the interpreter batch, which included the relevant timesheets, was processed. To list only those timesheets that were included in an interpreter batch processed on or after a certain date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date.

Batch Date To

Latest date on which the interpreter batch, which included the relevant timesheets, was processed. To list only those timesheets that were included in an interpreter batch processed on or before a certain date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date.


Timesheet (sub-section)

Timesheet ID From

Lowest system-generated timesheet ID that uniquely identifies a specific, interpreted timesheet. To list only those timesheets that have a timesheet ID that is equal to or greater than a specific ID number, key the relevant timesheet ID in this field.

Note that you can use this field in conjunction with the Timesheet ID To field (for more information, see below) to list timesheets that have IDs within a certain range.


Timesheet ID To

Highest system-generated timesheet ID that uniquely identifies a specific, interpreted timesheet. To list only those timesheets that have a timesheet ID that is equal to or less than a specific ID number, key the relevant timesheet ID in this field.

Note that you can use this field in conjunction with the Timesheet ID From field (for more information, see above) to list timesheets that have IDs within a certain range.


Timesheet Code

Client-defined timesheet code that identifies a specific interpreted timesheet. To list only those timesheets that have a specific timesheet code, key the code in this field.


Proforma Remittance Exists

Lists interpreted timesheets based on whether a proforma remittance advice document was generated at time of interpretation. The options available are:

Any - this is the default option and allows timesheets to be listed irrespective of whether there has been a proforma remittance generated for the timesheets.

Yes - lists only those timesheets for which a proforma remittance has been generated.

No - lists only those timesheets for which a proforma remittance has not been generated.


Proforma Remittance Id

Lists interpreted timesheets that have a corresponding proforma remittance ID that matches the ID keyed in this field.

This field is available only if the Yes option is selected in the Proforma Remittance Exists field (for more information, see above).


Payment Terms Name

Lists interpreted timesheets that are subject to a specific set of payment terms, as identified by the payment terms name that is keyed in this field.


Payment Terms From Date Type

Lists interpreted timesheets based on the payment terms type that applies. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing timesheets to be listed irrespective of whether they are subject to payment terms.

For more information about the specific payment terms types that can be searched by, see payment terms.


Payment Terms Due Date From

Earliest payment terms due date that must apply to interpreted timesheets that are to be listed. To list only those timesheets that have a payment terms due date that is no earlier than a specific date, select the relevant date in this field.

This field can be used in conjunction with the Payment Terms Due Date To field (for more information, see below) to list timesheets that have a payment terms due date that falls within a specific date range.


Payment Terms Due Date To

Latest payment terms due date that must apply to interpreted timesheets that are to be listed. To list only those timesheets that have a payment terms due date that is no later than a specific date, select the relevant date in this field.

This field can be used in conjunction with the Payment Terms Due Date From field (for more information, see above) to list timesheets that have a payment terms due date that falls within a specific date range.

Agency User (sub-section)

Candidate Staff

Recruitment Manager agency staff ID number of the agency staff member who is defined as the Candidate Owner of the Candidate (Payee) that has been filled on the job order to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders where the Candidate is owned by a specific agency user staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.

Job Order Staff

Recruitment Manager agency user staff ID number of the agency staff member who created the job order (Job Creator) to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders created by a specific staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.

Job Owner Staff

Recruitment Manager agency user staff ID number of the staff member who is the Job Owner of the job order to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders managed by a specific staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.

Filled Staff

Recruitment Manager agency user staff ID number of the staff member that has filled the job order to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders filled by a specific staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.


Transaction Details Tab

Pay (sub-section)

Pay Code

Pay code to which items on the timesheet correspond. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item corresponding to a specific pay code, key the pay code in this field. Note that you can type part of the pay code and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any pay code beginning with the letters an while %an will match any pay code ending with the letters an

Pay Code Type

Pay code type of items on the timesheets. This defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to list timesheets regardless of the pay code type of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item that corresponds to a specific pay code type, select the pay code type in this field.

Pay Quantity From

Lowest pay quantity for an item on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item with a pay quantity equal to or greater than a specific pay quantity, key the quantity value in this field.

Pay Quantity To

Highest pay quantity for an item on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item with a pay quantity equal to or less than a specific pay quantity, key the quantity value in this field.

Pay Rate From

Lowest pay rate of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the pay rate is equal to or greater than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Pay Rate To

Highest pay rate of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the pay rate is equal to or lower than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Total Pay From

Lowest total pay value of timesheet. To list only those timesheets where the total pay value is equal to or greater than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Total Pay To

Highest total pay value of timesheet. To list only those timesheets where the total pay value is equal to or lower than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Total Pay Quantity From

Lowest summed pay quantities on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain a sum of pay quantities equal to or greater than a specific value, key the total quantity value in this field.

Total Pay Quantity To

Highest summed pay quantities on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain a sum of pay quantities equal to or less than a specific value, key the total quantity value in this field.

Bill (sub-section)

Bill Code

Bill code to which items on the timesheet correspond. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item corresponding to a specific bill code, key the bill code name in this field. Note that you can type part of the bill code name and use the wildcard character % to perform a partial match on the name. For example, an% will match any bill code name beginning with the letters an while %an will match any bill code name ending with the letters an.

Bill Code Type

Bill code type of items on the timesheets. This defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to list timesheets regardless of the bill code type of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item that corresponds to a specific bill code type, select the bill code type in this field.

Bill Quantity From

Lowest bill quantity of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the bill quantity is equal to or greater than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Bill Quantity To

Highest bill quantity of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the bill quantity is equal to or less than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Bill Rate From

Lowest bill rate of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the bill rate is equal to or greater than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Bill Rate To

Highest bill rate of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the bill rate is equal to or less than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Total Bill From

Lowest total bill value of timesheet. To list only those timesheets where the total bill value is equal to or greater than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Total Bill To

Highest total bill value of timesheet. To list only those timesheets where the total bill value is equal to or lower than a certain value, key the value in this field.

Total Bill Quantity From

Lowest summed bill quantities on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain a sum of bill quantities equal to or greater than a specific value, key the total quantity value in this field.

Total Bill Quantity To

Highest summed bill quantities on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain a sum of bill quantities equal to or less than a specific value, key the total quantity value in this field.


Project Code

Project Code assigned to a Job Order to which timesheets belong. To list timesheets where a specific project code has been assigned.

Item Date From

Earliest date of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that include items that fell on or after a specific date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date.

Item Date To

Latest date of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that include items that fell on or before a specific date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date.

Gross Profit % From

Lowest gross profit percentage of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the gross profit percentage is equal to or greater than a specific percentage, key the percentage value in this field.

Gross Profit % To

Highest gross profit percentage of items on the timesheets. To list only those timesheets that contain at least one item where the gross profit percentage is equal to or less than a specific percentage, key the percentage value in this field.


Pay/Bill Tab

Pay (sub-section)

Pay Batch

Filters the timesheets that are to be returned based on whether they have been paid in a pay batch. This field is available only if the Reviewed option is selected in the Status field.
The following options can be selected:

Any (default) – timesheets will be returned if they have been processed in any pay batch

None – timesheets will be returned only if they are yet to be processed in a pay batch

Batch Id - where selected, the Batch Id field is mandatory (see below for details).


Batch Id

Filters timesheets by the pay batch number that uniquely identifies the pay batch in which a timesheet was paid. This field is only enabled when the Batch ID is selected in the Pay Batch field (see above), in which case it is mandatory to key a pay batch number/ID in this field.

A timesheet will be returned by the search if any pay items that are linked to that timesheet have been processed in the pay batch you specify, irrespective of whether the timesheet itself has been processed in that pay batch.

For example, when a leave request is submitted and approved via the Leave Request module, leave items are injected onto the corresponding timesheet if the leave request falls within the date range of a timesheet. If a pay batch is processed for that period before the timesheet is released for pay from the Interpreter, the approved leave request will be included and paid in that pay batch. The remaining items on the timesheet are paid in a separate pay batch, once the timesheet is released for pay from the Interpreter. In such cases, the timesheet is effectively linked to two different pay batches and hence will be returned by the search when searching by either of the respective pay batch IDs.


Invoice Batch (sub-section)

Invoice Batch

Filters the timesheets that are to be returned based on whether they have been billed in an invoice batch. This field is available only if the Reviewed option is selected in the Status field. The following options can be selected:

Any (default) – timesheets will be returned if they have been processed in any invoice batch

None – timesheets will be returned only if they are yet to be processed in any invoice batch

Batch ID – timesheets will be returned only if they have been processed in a specific invoice batch. The invoice batch number that identifies the specific invoice batch must be keyed into the corresponding Batch ID field.


Batch ID (Invoice Batch)

Filters timesheets based on the unique invoice batch number that identifies the invoice batch in which the timesheets were billed.



Click Search.

Interpreted timesheets matching the search criteria you specified are listed in within the Interpreter Review screen.

Note that if you are having trouble viewing the list of timesheets, press the F11 key on your keyboard to increase the size of the Interpreter Review screen.


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