FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Monitoring Released Timesheets
This section explains how an administrator can use the Interpreter Batch Enquiry area of the Interpreter Results module to monitor the processing of approved timesheets by the Interpreter service.
Approved timesheets that are awaiting interpretation are stored in a processing queue. At regular intervals, the Interpreter checks the processing queue and processes the timesheets that are in the queue as a batch. This batch of timesheets is referred to as an interpreter batch.
Each timesheet within an interpreter batch is processed individually. Timesheets processed successfully by the Interpreter are saved in Interpreter Review status for reviewing in the Interpreter Review area of the Interpreter Results application.
A timesheet within an interpreter batch may fail to process correctly due to network traffic or SQL server errors. If a timesheet fails to process correctly, the following occurs:
the timesheet is saved in the processing queue and is flagged with a status of Failed
an error message is generated and saved.
In the event that a timesheet fails to process successfully, the timesheet must be removed from its original interpreter batch so that the Interpreter can attempt to re-process the timesheet as part of another interpreter batch.
The Batch Enquiry area of the Interpreter Results application allows a timesheet administrator to do the following:
check which interpreter batches have been processed
check which timesheets were included in an interpreter batch
check if any timesheets within an interpreter batch failed to process successfully
view error messages generated by timesheets that failed to process successfully
remove failed timesheets from an interpreter batch so that they can be re-processed as part of another interpreter batch.
Splitting Interpreter Batches by Hierarchy Type and Value
Your system may be configured to use multiple Interpreters, whereby each Interpreter is installed on a different server on your network. This type of arrangement may be used to spread the processing load across your network.
If your system is configured in this way, each Interpreter will be configured to process specific timesheets, based on the hierarchy type and hierarchy name that applies to the job order to which a timesheet belongs. For example, if your business operates across multiple countries, each Interpreter may be configured to process timesheets belonging to job orders for a specific country only.
The valid hierarchy types are as follows:
agency brand
state region agency
parent client client
cost centre
job order number
employment type
The hierarchy value determines the value that applies to the respective hierarchy type. For example, if the hierarchy type is one of Country, the hierarchy value is the corresponding country (for example: Sweden).
If your system is configured to use multiple Interpreters, you can monitor interpreter batches according to the applicable hierarchy type and value. For example, you can list and monitor invoice batches that only include timesheets for a specific country, specific agency brand and so on.
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