FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Maintenance > Custom Actions > new automatic Action Type 'Event'
Current Custom Actions are triggered in the product, where a user clicks on the Custom Action. For example, if the Custom Action is assigned to the Candidate Record, the user triggers the action by clicking on the Custom Action item in the Candidates Quick Access menu.
We have enhanced this feature in this release to include the ability to define if an Action is a 'Manual' action (current process where the user clicks to trigger the action), or if the Action is an 'Event' action, which will trigger when the event occurs. The options available for this type of action include:
Job Order Fill - the action will automatically trigger where a job is filled (via any method ie; manual, via referral workflow stage move, via API).
Referral Workflow Stage - the action will automatically trigger where a candidate is moved to the assigned stage via the UI or via an API. Note: this item does not include the Filled Stage as it is already included in the above Action Trigger.
As per the existing Custom Action creation process, the Parameter List is available from the lookup.
FastTrack360 APIs - Where a FastTrack360 API is utliised to call a stage move or fill a job order, where successful, if a Custom Action type 'Event' has been created, the event will be triggered.
This enhancement will provide a seamless way to trigger an action where a third party trigger is required. It will remove the need to rely on a user remembering to invoke the action and as such improve compliance and save time.
On upgrade all existing Custom Actions will be defaulted to an Action Type of 'Manual'. Click here for details on configuring Custom Actions.
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