FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Referral Workflow Automation - Observe Opt Out setting 11.39 Patch 1
In the 11.39 release, we introduced Referral Workflow Automation, whereby an Email and or SMS event can be assigned to a Referral Workflow stage (click here for more details on this feature). In this patch release we have included the ability for an agency to determine if the recipient's (Candidate / Client Contact) communication settings for Opt In / Out are observed.
In Maintenance > General Items > General Settings, we have added a new item for 'Referral Workflow Automation Observe Opt Out'.
Where ticked, on stage move if the stage has an Email or SMS automation item assigned, the system will check to see that the recipients settings for 'Receiving Communication' (see screenshot below). If the Candidate or Client Contact recipient is not opted in for the type of event that is triggered, the communication will not be sent. For example Candidate A does not have Opt In ticked for SMS, and they are moved to a stage with SMS, in this case the SMS will not be sent.
This enhancement will assist the agency to ensure that privacy settings are observed.
On upgrade, this new setting will be ticked by default so that privacy settings are observed. If you wish to not observe these settings, open Maintenance > General Items > Settings in Edit mode and untick the setting.
Automation events are configured and managed in Maintenance > Referral Workflow. Click here for more details on this feature and configuration.
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