Client Contact - Add Activities

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Client Contact - Add Activities


Currently when viewing a Client Contact record, there is no ability to add Activities - you can see a list of Activities linked to the contact, but there is no Add functionality. This is frustrating for a user who has the Client Contact open, and they would like to quickly schedule an activity. The user then needs to navigate to the Client profile, scroll to the Activity pane, add a new Activity then select the desired Client Contact.

An enhancement has been completed in this release to provide the ability to Add an activity from the Client Contact's Activity list.

Where 'Add' is selected the standard Add Activities screen displays. As a Contact can be linked to more than one Client, a Client field at the top of the screen allows the user to select the Client the activity is related to.


This enhancement will save time for Consultants wishing to create activities when they are working in the Client Contact record.


No configuration is required.



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