FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Search Candidate - Skip through result list from Candidate Record


Currently where a user opens a Candidate record from Search Candidate results, to open the next Candidate in the result set, they would need to select the 'Search Candidate' item in the breadcrumb and from the Search Candidate Screen, re-run the search, then select the next Candidate. This can be a very time-consuming activity for a user where they would like to quickly flick through each record in the result set.

An enhancement has been completed in this release to provide a user with the ability to open the next, or previous Candidate record within a result set, from the existing open Candidate record.

Now where you open a Candidate record in the same browser window, from the Search Candidate or Search Available Candidate result list (shown first screen shot below), within the opened record a new 'toggle' action is displayed at the header (shown in second screen shot below). Where selected, the next (>) or previous (<) record will open in the current browser window.

In addition to the above, the same strategy is also available from the Referral Workflow at the Stage level. For example, where a user chooses 'View Candidate' from the Referral Workflow, on open of the Candidate record, toggle actions will display to allow the user to move through each Candidate record referred to the same Stage within the workflow.


This enhancement will save time when resourcing for jobs, as you can now quickly move through Candidate record result sets.


No configuration is required.


