FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Candidate / Client Contact Portal User – Delete
Currently within a Candidate or Client Contact Record, once an online profile (Portal User) has been created, this record cannot be deleted.
An enhancement has been completed in this release to provide an Agency User with Security Permission to 'Candidate Online Profile' (Full) or 'Contact Online Profile' (Full) with the ability to delete the online profile from the Portal User section of the record – providing there has not been any transactions in the portal, this includes:
Edits made in the portal;
If a portal user has utilised Time & Attendance;
If a portal user has logged in (as the system records the login event).
In Maintenance > User, for Candidate / Client Contact User records, an Agency User with permission to 'User' (Full), will also see a new Delete action. This action is located on the top right of the screen.
On selection of the 'Delete' action, the system checks to see if the user has made any edits, for example, changed their address or attached a document. If edits have been made in the portal, the logged in user will be advised the online profile record cannot be deleted. Where edits have not been made, the online profile record will be deleted.
The ability to delete an online profile (Portal User) record will assist where, for example, the Portal User was created with the wrong user name.
The 'Delete' action will be available to Agency Users who have permission to:
Candidate Online Profile (Full)
Contact Online Profile (Full)
Maintenance > User (Full)
On upgrade, to maintain your current permission status, existing users with 'Full' security level, will be changed to 'Add', 'Edit', 'View'.
You will need to update any Security Roles to add 'Full' where you are comfortable for a user to be able to delete Online Profiles.
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