FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Search Candidate - Search by Creation Source


An enhancement has been implemented in this release to allow users to search for Candidate records based on how the Candidate record was created. For example, it is possible to return only those Candidate records that were created via Outlook Extensions or via a job board application.

To facilitate this, a new field labelled Creation Source has been added to the Agency Portal > Recruitment Manager > Candidate > Search > Primary screen, as shown below.

The options that can be selected from the Creation Source field are as follows:

  • Any (default)

  • Agency User

  • Job Board Application

  • Registration

  • Outlook Extensions


This enhancement provides agency users with the ability to quickly find Candidate records where the source of the creation of the record is a factor, which may be useful for statistics or on-boarding processes. For example, the Creation Source field can be used in combination with the Create Date fields on the Range tab of the Candidate Search screen to find all Candidate records that were automatically created because of a job board application during a specific period.


No configuration required.

It is important to note that on upgrade the system will commence adding a creation source to any new Candidates - therefore searches will not be able to discern the creation source for Candidates created prior to upgrade to 11.37.



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