FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Rate Minimum Value in Pay Rate Rules
A new numeric field labelled as defined in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country Settings > Rate Minimum Label, has been added to the Rates and Rules > Pay Agreements > Pay Agreement > Secondary Interpretation > Pay Rate Rules > Pay Rate Rule Entry screen, from this release on, to allow an additional numeric value to be entered for a pay rate of type Flat Rate.
An example of this is highlighted in the example below.
If a value is keyed against a pay rate, the value will show in any related Job's Rate Matrix items. The following applies to the Rate Minimum field:
it is not mandatory
it is available for pay rate rules that are a Rate Type of 'Flat Rate'. The field is also editable where flagged as Calculation Only.
Where the rate rule is flagged as 'Top Up Rates', Rate Minimum field is not editable.
Where the Pay Rate Rule item has a Rate Minimum value stored, if it is used in a subsequent Calculation Rate Type, on display in the Job Order's rates, the Rate Minimum value will also have the calculation applied.
Where the Pay Rate Rule item has a Rate Minimum value stored, if it is used in a subsequent Top Up Rate, the Rate Minimum value will display in the rate
is locked down (un-editable) once there have been transactions against the pay rate rule.
The rate minimum that applies to a pay item is visible in the agreement rates matrix on a job order in Recruitment Manager. For more information, see Job - Minimum Rate.
This enhancement provides an agency with the ability to enter in a comparison rate value. For example, if the Agency pays above an award rate, the Rate Minimum field may be used to store the actual award rate, so a person viewing the Rate Matrix in the Job can see the difference between the two.
A Rate Minimum can be added to pay rate rules by opening the relevant pay rate rule in the Rates and Rules > Pay Agreements > Pay Agreement > Secondary Interpretation > Pay Rate Rules > Pay Rate Rule Entry screen and keying the rate minimum against the relevant sub-rules on the pay rate rule, as shown in the example above.
Pay rate rules are locked down once they have been used in pay interpretation and therefore it is not possible to add or update a rate minimum on a pay rate rule at that point.
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