FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Copying Pay & Bill Codes
A Copy action has been added to the Rates and Rules > Maintenance > Pay Code > Pay Code Maintenance and Rates and Rules > Maintenance > Bill Code > Pay Code Maintenance screens, from this release on, to allow new pay codes and bill codes to be created by copying an existing pay code or bill code.
The Copy action is highlighted below.
When you click the Copy action while a pay code or bill code is selected in the list on the Pay Code Maintenance or Bill Code Maintenance screen respectively, a copy of the selected pay code or bill code will be created and displayed. The name of the pay code or bill code defaults to blank to allow you to give the new pay code or bill code a unique name.
If the record you are copying is a pay code you will also be prompted as to whether you want to copy the linked bill oncosts and supplementary oncost calculation pay codes, if these have been defined on the original pay code that you chose to copy.
This enhancement reduces the time and effort required to create new pay codes and bill codes because it is no longer necessary to create pay codes and bill codes from scratch.
No configuration required.
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