FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Copying Pay Rate & Bill Rate Rules
A Copy action has been added to the following screens from this release on, to facilitate copying pay rate and bill rate rules respectively:
Rates and Rules > Pay Agreements > Edit Pay Agreement > Secondary Interpretation > Pay Rate Rules > Pay Rate Rule Entry
Rates and Rules > Bill Agreements Dependent on Pay > Edit Bill Agreement > Bill Rate Rules > Bill Rate Rule Entry
The action is invoked via a button, as highlighted in the example below.
On invoking the Copy action, you are prompted to choose one of the following options:
Create a new rate rule – this creates a new rate rule that is an exact copy of the current rate rule but the name and validity period start and end dates are blank by default.
Change the rate of a current rate – this creates a new rate rule that is an exact copy of the current rate rule with a blank name and a validity start date that is defaulted to the day after the validity end date of the current rate rule. Note that you must end date the rate rule that is to be copied before using this option.
This enhancement prevents the need to create pay rate rule and bill rate rules from scratch, especially when there is a change in the rate of an existing rate rule, thereby making the process of rate rule creation easier and quicker.
No configuration required.
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