FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Activities & Notifications Changes


Currently on the top toolbar in Recruitment Manager and icon is available to view a list of Activities and Notifications assigned to the logged in user. This list is filtered to automatically display Activities that are not completed (status of 'Awaiting'). This can be frustrating to users who would like to customise the list of Activities that displays when selecting this icon.

An enhancement has been introduced in this release to provide users with more flexibility regarding the filters assigned to activity list items where this icon is selected.

As part of this change we have separated Activities and Notifications in the top toolbar. There are now two icons, one for Activities and one for Notifications. A Green indicator will display where there are any Activities that are 'Awaiting', and for Notifications, where there are any unread notifications.

Where the new Activities icon is selected, the Search Activity screen is displayed, with the Search Activity section collapsed. A new Save Default action has been added.

To set the defaults required for the Search Activity list, the user opens the Search Activity Section, and selects the criteria required. For example, in addition to the status of 'Awaiting', the user may want this list to load with a Range Type of 'This Month' applied. Once the required criteria has been selected, the Default action is clicked to save the settings – this action will also default any items set in Manage Layout.

The next time the list is opened from the Activities icon, or Search Activity, the results will load automatically as per the set defaults. Defaults can be changed at any time by clicking on the Default action.


This enhancement provides users with more flexibility regarding what displays when they load their Activities list. It will save time as more information can be displayed on the list via Manage Layout.


No configuration is required.



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