FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Restricting Timesheet Attendance Types Based on Pay Agreement
It is now possible to restrict the attendance types that can be selected on a timesheet so that timesheet initiators can only select attendance types that are defined within the pay agreement that applies to the corresponding job order.
To facilitate this, in this release, a new field labelled Filter Timesheet Attendance Items field has been added to the Agreement Header screen in Rates and Rules > Pay Agreements > Edit Pay Agreements, as highlighted in the example below.
If the Filter Timesheet Attendance Items field is ticked in the header of a pay agreement the attendance types that are available for selection on a timesheet, which is subject to that pay agreement, will be limited to those attendance types for which a pay code rule shift type condition is defined within the agreement.
This enhancement applies to attendance types only. The absence types that can be selected on a timesheet are always derived from the employment type that applies to the payee to whom a timesheet belongs.
This enhancement applies to agreements that have pay code rules with shift type conditions, Where the attendance type selected on a timesheet that is linked to such an agreement, an attendance type that is selected against a timesheet item drives the applicable pay rate. If an agreement has pay code rules that use time-based conditions rather than shift type conditions it is not necessary to restrict attendance types because where such an agreement applies to a timesheet, it is the time keyed into the timesheet, rather than the attendance types that is selected, that drives the applicable pay rate.
A Filter Timesheet Attendance Items field has also been added to the search header on the Rates and Rules > Pay Agreements screen, as highlighted in the example below, to allow searching for pay agreements that have or do not have the Filter Timesheet Attendance Items option enabled.
This enhancement ensures that timesheet initiators can only select attendance items for which payment rules are defined within the applicable pay agreement and, in turn, this ensures that an attendance type can be paid when a timesheet is processed.
The Filter Timesheet Attendance Items option is turned off on all pay agreements by default.
To enable this option for a pay agreement, tick the Filter Timesheet Attendance Items option in the agreement header of the relevant pay agreement. Once ticked, only those attendance types for which pay code rule shift type conditions have been defined within the pay agreement, as shown below, will be available on timesheets to which the pay agreement applies.
An attendance type will only be available on a timesheet that is subject to the pay agreement if the comparison type of the shift type condition is set to Equals.
It is not recommended to enable the Filter Timesheet Attendance Items option on a pay agreement if the agreement does not have any shift type conditions defined for any pay code rules or if all the pay code rule shift type conditions have a comparison type of Not Equals because this will result in no attendance types being available for selection on timesheets that are subject to the agreement.
If the Filter Timesheet Attendance Items field is ticked, the option takes effect immediately. That is, the option applies immediately to all timesheets to which all the following conditions apply:
have a status of Available (i.e. that have not already been keyed, submitted or approved)
belong to job orders that are subject to the pay agreement.
If the Filter Timesheet Attendance Items option is not enabled on a pay agreement, the attendance types that can be selected on a timesheet that are subject to that pay agreement are derived from the employment type of the payee to whom the timesheet belongs, as was the case in previous versions of the system.
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