Payment of Banked Leave at Leave Payments Pay Batch Stage

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Payment of Banked Leave at Leave Payments Pay Batch Stage


Enhancements have been made in this release, to the Leave Payments pay batch stage to facilitate payment of banked leave, whereby the hours accrued towards the leave are not paid until the leave is taken.

Any leave taken in a pay batch that has an apply to type of Hours with Rate will be paid automatically based on the applicable leave taken deduction rules that are defined on the corresponding leave type, as is the currently the case with all other leave types.

It is possible to configure a leave type, which has an apply to type of Hours with Rate, so that any hours of leave that have been banked in the pay period that is being paid in a pay batch can also be taken and paid in the same period. However, accrual of such leave does not occur until the following pay batch stage so, at the Leave Payments stage, the system cannot determine if a payee has a sufficient leave balance to receive payment for leave that has been taken in the current pay period. Because of this, the system will pay all such leave that has been taken during the pay period without considering the leave balance.

When the pay batch is moved to the next stage, leave will be accrued for the current period and will be factored into payees' entitlement balances. If, after the accrual has been triggered, a payee is ineligible to be paid for leave that has been taken during the pay period, the system will automatically negate the payment that had been made at the Leave Payments stage. This will occur if the leave taken deduction rule, as defined by the applicable leave type, has been configured to pay leave that has been taken only if a payee has sufficient leave balance to cover the entire leave duration and the Pay Accrual on Leave Taken flag is enabled on that leave type (for more information, see Improved Support for RDO Leave).
For more information about accruing RDO leave in a pay batch, see Banked Leave Accrual Pay Batch Stage.


This enhancement complements the changes that have been made in the Leave module in this release to provide support for banked leave types, such as rostered day off (RDO) leave for Australia, and allows such leave to be paid in a pay batch.
For more information about changes that have been made to the Leave Payments pay batch stage in this release, see also Leave Payment Details and Unpaid Leave Warning.


No configuration required.



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