Unpaid Leave Warning at Leave Payments Pay Batch Stage

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Unpaid Leave Warning at Leave Payments Pay Batch Stage


An enhancement has been made in this release to the Leave Payments pay batch stage so that if there are any approved leave requests for leave taken during the pay period that have not been paid automatically, a warning will be displayed at the top of the Pay Wizard– Leave Payments screen, as highlighted in the example below.


This enhancement enables payroll staff to easily identify if any approved leave requests that have been processed in a pay batch but could not be paid due to a payee not having met the applicable conditions for payment, such as insufficient leave balance.
The warning also prompts the user to refer to the Unpaid Leave report, which can be used to identify the specific payees whose leave was not paid and the reason for the non-payment (for more information, see Unpaid Leave Report).


No configuration required.



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