FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Accrue Leave Pay Batch Stage Enhancements


A change has been made in this release to the way that leave accrual details are displayed in the Payee Pay Details screen when you double-click on a payee at the Accrue Leave pay batch stage. On the Leave Accrual tab of the Payee Pay Details screen, a summary line is now shown for each leave type that is applicable to the payee. An example of this is shown below.

At the summary level, the entitlement balance of each leave type can be manually adjusted if necessary. However, to manually adjust the accrual in the batch, you can click on the relevant leave type, which will expand the leave type to show the amount of leave accrued in the current pay batch and the associated cost of the accrual. The amount of leave accrued in the current pay batch can also be adjusted manually, as shown in the example below.


The Job Order Number and Client Name fields currently display blank for all leave accrual transactions; these fields will be used in future releases to identify instances of leave accruals that are attributable to specific job orders.


This enhancement provides for further changes to how leave accruals will be represented on the Payee Pay Details screen, which will be made in future releases of FastTrack360. The future changes will allow each leave accrual transaction, which is attributable to a specific job order or manual pay items, to be itemised separately to give greater visibility of how leave has been accrued.


No configuration required.


