Superannuation Contributions Report Enhancements (AU Only)

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Superannuation Contributions Report Enhancements (AU Only)


The following new information from this release on, is now displayed for each superannuation fund on the Superannuation Contributions report that is available under Portal > Pay > Maintenance > Payroll Reports:

  • Fund ABN – displays the Australian Business Number of the fund.

  • Fund USI – displays the Unique Superannuation Identifier that uniquely identifies the superannuation fund under the SuperStream scheme.

  • Fund ESA – displays the Electronic Service Address of the superannuation fund, which identifies is the IP address or ATO endorsed alias to which electronic messages must be sent when an entity interacts electronically with the fund.

Each detail line on the report now also includes a Gender field that indicates the gender of the listed payee.

Additionally, the report includes payees' Tax File Numbers (TFNs) based on the latest payee validity period on the corresponding payee record. That is, where there are multiple validity periods on a Payee record, the report will show the TFN as defined on the latest validity period on the Payee record.


The additional fields on the Superannuation Contributions report provide information that is required to identify superannuation funds under the SuperStream standard.

The change to report payees' TFNs based on the latest Payee record validity period ensures that where a payee has provided a TFN sometime after commencing employment, the payee's TFN will be shown on the report even if the payee did not provide a TFN initially.


No configuration required.



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