Leave Payment Details at Leave Payments Pay Batch Stage

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Leave Payment Details at Leave Payments Pay Batch Stage


Changes have been made to the Pay > Pay Process > Pay Wizard > Payee Pay Details > Leave Payments screen that is displayed when a payroll user double-clicks on a payee in the Pay Wizard screen at the Leave Payments stage of a pay batch, in this release.

The Payee Pay Details > Leave Payments screen now lists all leave payments that have been made to the payee in the current pay batch, not just those resulting from a manual leave payout. For example, if the payee took paid leave during the pay period to which the pay batch corresponds and therefore the payee receives an automatic payment for leave taken, the resulting pay item will be listed in addition to any manual leave payouts.

Additional columns of information have been added to the Payee Pay Details > Leave Payments screen to help identify each leave payment and to allow manual adjustments to the pay rate or quantity for each leave payment. The columns that are displayed are listed and described in the table below.

Column Name


Leave Type

Displays the name of the leave type for which the payee received a payment in the current pay batch.

Year Entitled

Displays the entitlement year to which the paid leave corresponds.

For example, if this column displays 2017 it indicates that the leave payment was made using the leave balance for the 2017 year.

This column is blank if the leave type is not configured to track leave balances against the year in which the leave was accrued.

Pay Code

Displays the name of the pay code against which the leave payment was made.

Payment Type

Displays Leave Payout if the leave payment was for a manual payout of a leave balance or Leave Taken if the leave payment was for an automatic payment of leave that was taken during the corresponding pay period.

Item Date

Displays the date to which the leave payment applies. For example, if the leave payment is for leave payment, the date shown here represents the day the leave was taken. If the payment is for a leave payout, the date shown here is the end date of the pay period to which the pay batch corresponds.

Client Name

Displays the name of the client to which the leave payment corresponds.

For example, if the leave payment was for an absence that was keyed into a timesheet, this column displays the name of the client who placed the job order to which the timesheet belongs.

This column is blank if the leave payment was a manual leave payout or a payment for leave taken that resulted from a leave request that was submitted via the Leave module.

Job Order Number

Displays the unique ID of the job order to which the leave payment corresponds.

For example, if the leave payment was for an absence that was keyed into a timesheet, this column displays the job order number to which the timesheet corresponds.

This column is blank if the leave payment was a manual leave payout or a payment for leave taken that resulted from a leave request that was submitted via the Leave module.


Displays the pay quantity of the leave payment. The pay quantity can be manually adjusted by keying a different value in this field.


Displays the pay rate of the leave payment. The pay rate can be manually adjusted by keying a different value in this field.


Displays the total pay amount that will be paid for the leave item.

Leave Rate Type Name

Displays the name of the leave rate type that was used to make the leave payment, as defined on the deduction rule of the corresponding leave type.

Leave Rate Type

Displays the type of leave payment rate that is identified in the Leave Rate Type Name column. This will be one of the following:

  • Set Value

  • Payee Rate

  • Agreement Rate

  • Average Rate

  • Average Rate - Banked

  • Monthly Rate

  • Payment Accrual

  • Balance

  • FTE %

  • Greatest Rate First In/First Out

The leave payments that are listed on the Payee Pay Details > Leave Payments screen may include payments for banked leave that has been taken and paid regardless of whether, according to the rules of the leave type, the payee has a sufficient leave balance to be paid for the leave. For more information, see Banked Leave Accruals Pay Batch Stage.

Display of Job, Rate & Pay Code for Greatest Rate Payments

If the Greatest Rate leave rate type applies to a leave payment that has been made at the Leave Payments pay batch stage, the rate of payment of the leave will be based on the highest rate that the payee was paid against a pay code or sub-set of pay codes during the corresponding pay period.

If a leave payment has been made using the Greatest Rate leave rate type, payroll staff are able to display a popup from the Payee Pay Details > Leave Payments screen to view the following information about the leave payment:

  • the job order from which the leave payment rate is derived (if the greatest rate was derived from a job order and not a manual pay item)

  • the pay code from which the leave payment rate is derived

  • the rate that applied to the abovementioned pay code and therefore the leave payment.

The popup is available only for leave payments that have used the Greatest Rate leave rate and can be displayed by clicking next to the Rate column, as highlighted in the example below.

On clicking next to the Rate column, the popup is displayed as highlighted in the next example below.


If the payment rate is adjusted manually the popup will continue to display the original pay rate that the system determined based on the applicable Greatest Rate leave rate type rules.

Leave Paid on First In/First Out Basis

If a payee receives payment for leave taken on a first in/first out basis, there may be multiple leave payments listed at the Leave Payments pay batch stage for the same leave type. For example, if during the accrual period a payee first worked a job in which they banked rostered day off (RDO) leave at a rate of $27.50 per hour and they subsequently worked another job in which they banked RDO leave at a rate of$26.00 per hour, there will be separate payments for the leave that has been banked at the $27.50 per hour rate and the $26.00 per hour rate respectively.

A portion of the leave paid on a first in/first out basis may display a leave payment rate of zero at the Leave Payments stage. This will happen if the Pay Accrual on Leave Taken flag is enabled on the leave type and therefore the leave can be taken and paid in the same pay period in which it is accrued. Because the leave that will accrue in the current pay batch does not accrue until the next pay batch stage, at the Leave Payments stage the system cannot determine the payment rate for the portion of leave that was taken in the current period.

Once the pay batch is progressed to the next pay batch stage, the system automatically accrues the leave for the current period and is therefore able to determine the payment rate. At that point the system automatically recalculates the leave payment amount.

For more information, see Banked Leave Accruals Pay Batch Stage. For more information about the first in/first out leave rate type, see New Leave Rate Types.


These enhancements provide payroll staff with more visibility of automatic payments that are made by the system for leave taken as well as providing the ability for payroll staff to adjust payment rates and quantities of automatic leave payments if necessary.


No configuration required.



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