Pay Batch - Validation for Deductions with Payee Level Bank Details

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Pay Batch - Validation for Deductions with Payee Level Bank Details


Where a deduction has been configured to have bank details defined against at payee level, this means that when the pay batch close occurs, the system will obtain the bank details assigned against the payee deduction.

If you attempt to apply such a deduction as an adhoc deduction in a pay batch where the deduction does not exist against the payee, you will be prevented from applying the deduction as the following error message will be displayed:


If the Deduction Header is updated to have bank details at payee level but the payee deductions have not had bank details applied, the pay batch process will not allow you to close the pay batch.


Improves data quality and correct application of bank details against payee deductions




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