FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Terminated Contractors Excluded from Pay Batch
The multi-period processing functionality will include payees who have any outstanding transactions. This included contractors who have termination dates applied in the payee screen.
If a contractor is terminated, it may be the case that there are no other transactions (payments) that need to be processed.
If a payee appears in the pay batch but has zero pay, this will generate a zero payslip and this is not desirable to generate a zero payslip for a contractor who has no further transactions and does not have any further information to be generated: notification to HMRC of termination, a P45 to be generated, or an update to a pension provider.
FastTrack360 has been enhanced that if a UK Contractor is terminated and has no outstanding transactions, they will not be included in the pay batch. If there are outstanding transactions and have also been terminated, they will continue to be included in a pay batch.
Avoids the creation of zero payslips for a contractor.
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