FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Validation Relaxation on the Termination Date of a Payee
The validation on the entry of a payee’s termination date has been relaxed. Previously if a payee was processed in a pay batch, the payee’s termination date could not be before the last used date which was the processing period end date.
Due to multi-period processing enhancement, a payee could be paid a late timesheet in a processing period but they terminated at the end of the late timesheet rather than the processing period. As the termination date appears on a P45 and a P45 is used for various personal reason such as getting social benefits, the termination date stated would not be correct if it related to the last period they were processed in.
Therefore, the validation preventing you from entering a termination date that precedes the last used date has been removed.
Enables you to enter the actual date the payee terminated.
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