FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
EFT Deductions - Payment to Different Bank Accounts for Same Deduction Header
This is available for Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom for payments to be made in their own country. For payments outside of these countries, this feature is not available.
In the Deduction Header configuration, the deduction can be set up for the amount to be paid to a bank account of where the deduction needs to be paid to. This has limitation where the deduction values need to be distributed to multiple different bank accounts. An example of this is in the UK where an Attachment of Earnings Order (AEO) or a salary garnish as known in AU, is defined in a deduction header. The deduction header, would then be applied to multiple payees. The AEO could be issued by different magistrate courts across the country that all have separate receiving accounts to the employer. The employer is then required to send the magistrate courts the recovered sum of money. There are hundreds of magistrate courts in the UK that have their own bank accounts. Therefore, in the current FastTrack360 solution, a different deduction header, with the same configuration but with different bank accounts would have to be configured.
The system has been enhanced to allow bank details to be applied to a payee deduction where the deduction header has been configured to allow this to happen. This will then mean there will be only 1 deduction header configured and if the EFT Deduction output, separate rows will be output per bank account per payee account reference.
In the Payee Details > Deduction entry screen, if the deduction is defined as allowing bank details at the payee level, a new tab called Bank Details is available. Enter the bank details that you require for the deduction to be distributed to. If no Payee Account Reference is entered for the same deduction, the system will automatically sum the value to the Account Reference on the Deduction Header.
During the pay batch process, you can enter adhoc deductions that may or may not exist against the payee record. If the deduction header is set to payee deduction bank details, the system cannot determine the bank details to use.
Adhoc deductions are really meant for one-off deductions. Should you need to use the deduction that has payee deduction bank details configured, you will need to apply the deduction to the payee record with validity start and end dates for that period and the bank details it needs to go to or apply an outstanding balance value of the same value to prevent from deducting each period.
Allows users to set up a deduction header but able to pay the deduction to multiple different bank accounts where the deduction is applied to the payee.
Go to Payroll > Maintenance > Deduction Header.
In the Banking Details section, a new flag called Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction has been added. When BACS/EFT Payment is checked on, the new flag will be available to check on. When Apply Bank Details on Payee Deduction is checked, the bank account details will be disabled and removed. The Bank Details tab will then be enabled to enter the required bank details.
Where this flag is applied against existing deductions, you will need to apply the bank details to those payees who have that deduction already, otherwise the deduction value will not appear in the EFT Deduction file.
Here is a video showing how to configure the bank details for a payee’s individual deduction.
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