FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Ability to Run Payroll Reports at All Pay Batch Stages

Description The ability to run payroll reports has been added in this release, to all pay batch stages, not just the Review stage.

To facilitate this, a button is now available on each screen of the Pay Wizard and not just the Review screen. An example of this is shown below.

As at the Review pay batch stage, clicking the report button at any other pay batch stage displays the Pay Reports screen, which allows you to select the report that is to be displayed and the reporting parameters.

Not all payroll reports are available at each pay batch stage. A report becomes available at a given pay batch stage when that specific report is relevant to the pay batch stage. Once a report becomes available at a pay batch stage it remains available at all following pay batch stages.

The table below lists which payroll reports become available at each pay batch stage for Payroll Australia.

Pay Batch Stage

Reports Available

Manual Items

  • Payee Payroll – By Client

  • Payee Payroll – Detailed

  • Payee Payroll – Summary

  • Reimbursement

Leave Payments

As per Manual Items stage plus the following:

  • Unpaid Leave Report1

Banked Leave Accruals

As per Leave Payments stage.

Accrue Leave

As per Leave Payments stage.


As per Leave Payments stage plus the following:

  • Terminated Payees

Gross Deductions

As per Termination stage plus the following:

  • Deductions


As per Gross Deductions stage plus the following:

  • Tax Withholding

Net Deductions

As per Tax stage.


As per Net Deductions stage plus the following:

  • GST

Wage Costs

As per GST stage plus the following:

  • Payroll Tax – Detailed

  • Payroll Tax – Summary

  • Superannuation Liability – Detailed

  • Superannuation Liability – Summary

  • Superannuation Contributions

  • WorkCover – By Client

  • WorkCover – Detailed

  • WorkCover – Summary

Employee Benefits

As per Wage Costs stage plus the following:

  • Employee Benefits


As per Employee Benefits stage plus the following:

  • Negative Pay Total

  • Pay Oncost

  • Distribution of Funds

1 The Unpaid Leave report is a new report in this release.

The table below lists which payroll reports become available at each pay batch stage for Payroll New Zealand.

Pay Batch Stage

Reports Available

Manual Items

  • Payee Payroll – By Client

  • Payee Payroll – Detailed

  • Payee Payroll – Summary

  • Reimbursement

Leave Payments

As per Manual Items stage plus the following:

  • Unpaid Leave Report1

Banked Leave Accruals

As per Leave Payments stage.

Public Holiday Payments

As per Leave Payments stage.

Accrue Leave

As per Leave Payments stage.


As per Leave Payments stage plus the following:

  • Terminated Payees

Gross Deductions

As per Termination stage plus the following:

  • Deductions

PAYG Leave

As per Gross Deductions stage.


As per Gross Deductions stage plus the following:

  • Tax Withholding

Net Deductions

As per Tax stage.


As per Tax stage plus the following:

  • GST

Wage Costs

As per GST stage plus the following:

  • ACC Employer Levy Liability

  • KiwiSaver Contributions


As per Wage Costs stage plus the following:

  • Negative Pay Total

  • Pay Oncost

  • Distribution of Funds


1 The Unpaid Leave report is a new report in this release.


This enhancement prevents the need for a pay batch to be progressed to the Review stage of the pay batch process before payroll staff can report on transactions that have occurred in a pay batch. This helps anomalies to be identified at the relevant pay batch stage so that, for example, adjustments can be made at that stage without having to roll the pay batch back from the Review stage so that adjustments can be made.


No configuration required.


