FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Display of Accrued Leave Cost in Payee Leave Balance Summary
A Cost column has been added to the Payroll > Payee > Payee Maintenance > Payee Entry > Payee Leave > Leave Balance Summary screen to display the combined cost of the entitlement and accrual balances of each leave type that is applicable to the payee. The cost shown is equivalent to the average accrual rate multiplied by the number of units accrued. The exception to this is for leave types with an apply to type of Wage, whereby the cost is simply the sum of the entitlement and accrual balances.
An example of the Cost column is show below.
Note that for some leave types the system cannot determine an average rate. This applies to the leave types where:
the apply to type of the leave type is Days
the apply to type of the leave is Hours and the accrual type is Fixed.
For such leave types the Cost column displays a blank value.
This enhancement helps payroll staff to determine the cost liability of a payee's leave accruals.
No configuration required.
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