FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Maintenance _ Security - New Permission Item for User Profile
Currently the top menu item for Profile (shown below), allows a user to edit elements like their contact information and default search settings. For Agencies that wish to prevent users from editing this information themselves, a new Security Permission item called Edit User Profile has been created in this release.
Where the Edit User Profile permission item has been assigned to a user's role, they will see the Edit action in the User Profile pop up and be able to edit the elements if required. Where this permission is not assigned, the User Profile pop up displays in view mode only, in this circumstances if a user wishes to make changes, they will need to contact their System Administrator (or a user that has access to Maintenance > User, shown below) to make changes on their behalf.
This new permission item provides the business with the ability to target users that are able to make changes to their User Profile where a more centralised approach to managing this information is required.
No configuration is required, however on upgrade this permission item will be automatically ticked as true to maintain the existing user experience. If you wish to remove this permission you will need to open the appropriate security roles in Maintenance > Security and untick Edit User Profile in the Maintenance sub-section.
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