Communication History Permission

In order to access the Communication History, the relevant permission must be selected in the security role assigned to your user.

Step-by-step guide

To add this permission to a security role:

  1. Go to Maintenance > Security - only a user who has permission to edit Security roles can do this
  2. Search for the security role to be updated
  3. Double click on the role to open it
  4. Click Edit

  5. Scroll to the Portal section, tick Full Control for Communications History
  6. Click Save Changes

If the security role doesn't already have permission to an element within Questionnaire, Billing, Interpreter Review, Payroll or Rates & Rules,view permissions to Systems Maintenance under the Questionnaire heading will also need to be given in order to access Communication History.

For details on how to access and search the Communication History, refer to Searching the Communication History

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