Making a Client Payroll Tax exempt for billing

Required when a client is payroll tax exempt for billing purposes 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Rates & Rules > Maintenance Bill Oncost
  2. Select Payroll Tax from list of Bill Oncosts

3. The Oncost Header Entry window opens

4. Remove the dates displayed in the Date From and Last Used Date fields

5. Click Filter Rates

6. Click the + sign to add a new Oncost Rate

7. Oncost Rate Entry window opens on the right > enter a title in the Name field - often this is the client name

8. Enter a Start Date must be at least 1 day after the Last Timesheet End Date (displayed in step 5 screenshot)

9. Select 'Client' from Hierarchy Level drop down > click lookup icon to search for applicable Client Name

10. Tick the Exempt tickbox

11. Click the Save icon at top of screen

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.