FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Job - Automate Status to Closed, change to exclude Permanent Jobs
In a previous version we introduced the ability to schedule the automatic status change to Close on a Job Order via Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > General Items screen, as shown below.
Following feedback, we have changed the process to exclude permanent jobs. Now where the above settings are applied, the system will only close jobs that are of type 'Temporary' and 'Contract'.
This enhancement removes permanent job orders from auto close as the status change process is usually manually managed.
To enable the automatic changing of the status of Temporary and Contract job orders to Closed when job orders have reached their end
date, open Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > General Items. Click Edit and navigate to the General Settings Section:
In the Close Jobs Where Status Is field, select one or more job order statuses that are to trigger the automatic closing of a job order. For example, if you select Filled, the status of a job order will automatically change to Closed if its status is Filled at or after the end date of the job order.
In the Days After Job's End Date field, key in the number of days past the job order end date that the automatic status change is to be triggered. For example, if you key in a value of 1, the status of a job order will automatically change to Closed one day after the end date of the job order. Note that you can key in 0 if you want the status to change on the day that a job order expires.
Select Save Changes to commit your changes to these settings.
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