Add and Manage Temp or Contract Job Orders

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Add and Manage Temp or Contract Job Orders

Add a Job

Add a Job from the Dashboard


Navigate to the Quick Access section and click on Add for the Job type required.

The basic Job Order record is displayed. Note, this screen does not contain all sections of the Job record.


In the Client Name field, enter or use the Lookup function to apply the client's name.



Complete all mandatory items.



Select Save at the top of the record.

The full Job record is displayed.


Add a Job from the Left Hand Menu


Navigate to the Job Order search menu by selecting Recruitment Manager > Jobs > Job Order, and select Add Job located on the top right of the results list.

The available Job Types display


Click on the type of job required (Temporary or Contract).

The Add Job Order screen displays. Note, this screen does not contain all sections of the Job record.



In the Client Name field, enter or use the Lookup function to apply the client's name.



Complete all mandatory items.



Select Save at the top of the record.

The full Job record is displayed.


Add a job from the Client record:


Open the Client record and navigate to the Jobs section.



Select Add Job, then the type of required (Temporary or Contract).

The basic Job Order record is displayed. Note, this screen does not contain all sections of the Job record.


Complete all mandatory items.



Select Save at the top of the record.

The full Job record is displayed.


Find a Job record

There are a few ways you can find an existing Job Order.

  • Click the Dashboard Quick Access link to display the search screen.

  • Use the search function via the Left Hand Menu, by selecting Recruitment Manager > Jobs > Job Orders. For more information see section Searching.

  • If your job is Vacant or recently Filled, from the Dashboard, click on the job from the Vacant or Filled Job list.

  • Within a Client record, navigate to the 'Jobs' section and click on a job within the list.

Edit a Job Record

  • Follow the steps above to find and open the Job.

  • Click Edit on the top right of the screen.

  • Click Save to commit any changes. Note: If the Job has been Filled and Submitted to Timesheet, some fields are locked to protect data required for time-sheeting, pay and bill.

Delete a Job Record

  • Follow the steps above to find and open a Job Record

  • Select Delete on the top right of the screen. Note: If the job has linked Referrals or has been Filled, you will not be able to delete the record.



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