FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Job Order - Permanent
Where a Client requires a Candidate for a permanent role or permanent placement service, a Permanent Job order is created to manage the process in Recruitment Manager.
From the Permanent Job Order record, the following items can be accessed from the Quick Access section at the top of the record:
General - store and manage information about the Job Order including Start Date / End Date, Skill Group, Position, Client Contacts related to the job, Location, Job Description etc.
Placement - within the General section, a sub section displays details regarding the placement where a Candidate has been filled to the Job.
Replacement Details - within the General section, a sub section displays details regarding the replacement requirements. For example if replacement cover is required, Guarantee Days, Extra Fee etc.
Advertising - create and maintain the Job advertising description. An Advertise Job action is utilised to post the job to one or many Job Boards. See the section Broadbean for details.
Custom Fields - displays any Custom Fields assigned to Job records.
Benefits - store and manage information about the benefits for the role including, Total Package, Base Salary, Retirement/Super, Bonus etc.
Billing - Purchase Order details are stored in this section, plus a tool for building and managing the fees relevant to the role. An Add action is available to add fee items to the Service Fee list. Edit and Delete actions are available next to each fee item.
Performance Notes - following placement, performance notes can be managed in this section.
Comment - displays a list of the Job's comments. Add, Edit and Delete actions are available.
Referral Workflow - displays the Referral Workflow applied to the Job order. An Apply action is available to change the Referral Workflow Template if required. Actions are also available to Undo the last action within the workflow and Add Referral.
Family - displays any family jobs linked to Job Order record. An Add action is available to create, or add to the family of jobs. Workplace - displays the Client's workplace section including operating days / shifts, standard work hours, clothing & dress requirements, travel requirements, OHS information etc
Activities - displays a list of Activities applied to the Job Order.
Document Management - Generate Documents / Attach Documents
Record Properties - displays details about the record including creation date, created by, last update date etc.
Audit Trail - details are applied to the Audit Trail list where a field within the record is modified.
The following Job record actions are available for Permanent Jobs:
Edit - edit the Job Order record.
Delete - delete the Job Order record. Jobs cannot be deleted where they are in use, for example where referrals have been created, a Candidate has been filled etc.
Manage Sections - re-order sections within the record.
View Statistics - view statistics for the Job including:
Total Candidates Required - displays the number of Candidates required for the Job. Where there is a family of Jobs, the total number of Candidates required for all family jobs is displayed.
Total Candidates Placed - displays the number of Jobs that have been 'filled'. Where there is a family of jobs, the family jobs that have been filled are included in this statistic.
Time to Fill - where Jobs have been 'filled', this displays a sum of the 'Order Date / Time', less the 'Filled Date / Time'. Revenue - summary of billing for the Job. This item can be filtered to display weekly, monthly or yearly revenue.
Cost - displays the total amount paid to the Candidate(s) for the Job. This item can be filtered to display weekly, monthly or yearly cost.
Referral Statistics - displays the Referral 'Stages' and a count of how many Candidates are applied to each Stage.
Search Available Candidate - on selection of this action, details from the Job Order are populated to the Search Screen to ensure matching Candidates have some of the prerequisites for the role.
Copy Job - select to create a copy of the Job Order.
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