FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Adding a Linked Job Order
To link one job with another to keep the AWR clocks in synch with each other, the following criteria must be set:
The AWR Active flag must be checked on for the country
The candidate is attached to all the jobs that you are linking together.
The job must either have the same client or same parent
The jobs' Monitoring Not Required must be unchecked
The jobs' tax type must match
The jobs are not already linked
The existing job that is going to get linked to the job you have in your screen must have an end date that is greater than the new job order’s start date.
The linking of the jobs must be applied by the user: it will not automatically occur. This is because linked job orders is based on whether the jobs are the same. It is not possible to assume that if a worker is assigned 2 jobs that meet the criteria above, that they are of the same role.
To link the jobs together, follow these steps:
Step | Description |
1 | In the new job order that has been created and a candidate has been assigned to, in the Agency Worker Regulations sub section, click on Check/Add Linked Jobs. |
2 | If the job order meets the criteria listed above, it will display the available jobs that can be linked. |
3 | Click on the job that should be linked. The window will close and the jobs will be linked. |
4 | When the link occurs, the new job will inherit the clock count from the job that you linked from. If you have the current job open and you link the new job, the current job’s clock count will be overwritten with the new job’s clock count: 0. You need to have the new job order open and link the existing job to it, to inherit the clock count. |
If a candidate has more than 2 active jobs, they can be linked in a chain or all linked to one job.
Allows for easy application of linked jobs.
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