FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Database Schema Changes V12.34
The table below identifies all other database schema changes that have been made to support this release. These changes may have an impact on reports that have been created using custom queries.
It is important to check your custom reports prior to upgrade to ensure they are working as expected. If you find any issues with data, the information below should assist you to make any changes required.
Table | Field | Action | Comment/Extended Property Description |
[dbo].[FPSPayees] | [EmployeeEmploymentPaymentSNCPYTD] | Added | DECIMAL (38, 6) NULL / SNCP YTD |
[dbo].[FPSPayees] | [EmployeeDetailsWorkplacePostcode] | Added | VARCHAR(50) NULL / Employee Details Workplace Postcode |
[dbo].[HMRCIncomingMessages] |
| New Index | [IDX_HMRCIncomingMessages_PayeeIdentifier_FormType] |
[dbo].[InvoiceHeader] |
| New Index | [IDX_InvoiceHeader_DebtorId_InvoiceDate] |
[dbo].[ManualItem] | [LeaveRequestTimeId] | Added | INT NULL / Foreign Key to rar.LeaveRequestTime.LeaveRequestTime_Id |
[dbo].[ProformaRemittanceHeaders] |
| New Index | [IDX_ProformaRemittanceHeaders_IsDelivered] |
[dbo].[ProformaRemittanceTimesheetResult] |
| New Index | [IDX_ProformaRemittanceTimesheetResult_PayeeIdentifier_TimesheetEndDate] |
[dbo].[ProformaRemittanceTimesheetResult] |
| New Index | [IDX_ProformaRemittanceTimesheetResult_TimesheetId] |
[dbo].[TimesheetHeader] | [IsNoCreditInterpret] | Added | BIT NULL / Indicates that the timesheets is flagged for interpretation without the credit process to offset values on the target timesheet |
[dbo].[TimesheetImportBatches] | [IsNoCreditInterpret] | Added | BIT NULL / Indicates that the timesheets included in the import batch are interpreted without the credit process to offset values on the target timesheet |
[dbo].[TimesheetImportTemplates] | [IsNoCreditInterpret] | Added | BIT NULL / Used to store the “No Credit Interpret” setting of the timesheet import batch |
[rar].[EmployerPensionContributionsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK] | [Sacrifice] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) NULL / Sacrifice |
[rar].[EmployerPensionContributionsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK] |
| New Index | [IDX_EmployerPensionContributionsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK_PayeePayrollPensionEnrolmentUKId_Amount] |
[rar].[EmployerPensionContributionsGrossWageBatchUK] | [Sacrifice] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) NULL / Sacrifice |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayee_History] |
| New Index | [IDX_GrossWageBatchPayee_History_PayeeId] |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayslipPayeePensionUK] | [SalarySacrifice] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) NULL / Pension Salary Sacrifice |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayslipPayeePensionUK] | [SalarySacrificeYTD] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) NULL / Pension Salary Sacrifice YTD |
[rar].[LeaveAccrualRule] | [ApplyToSick] | Added | BIT NULL / Apply To Sick |
[rar].[LeaveAccrualRule] | [ApplyToChildRelatedLeave] | Added | BIT NULL / Apply To Child Related Leave |
[rar].[LeaveAccrualRule] | [NumberOfWeeksForAverage] | Added | INT NULL / Number Of Weeks For Average |
[rar].[LeaveAccrualRule] | [UpToWeeks] | Added | INT NULL / Up To Weeks |
[rar].[LeaveAccrualRule] | [WorkedConcurrentWeeks] | Added | INT NULL / Worked Concurrent Weeks: 1 = Concurrent |
[rar].[LeaveAccrualRule] | [NumberOfWeeksDivisor] | Added | DECIMAL (38, 6) NULL / Number Of Weeks Divisor |
[rar].[LeaveResetRule] | [ResetCarryoverAfterValue] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) NULL / Reset carryover after value |
[rar].[LeaveResetRule] | [CarryoverResetPeriodType_no] | Added | TINYINT NULL / Determines the carryover after period period. 1 = weeks, 2 = Months |
[rar].[LeaveResetRule] | [TransferBalanceIntoCarryoverPot] | Added | BIT DEFAULT 0 / Transfer balance into carryover pot flag. 1= true |
[rar].[LeaveTransaction] | [IsCarryover] | Added | BIT NULL / Determines if the record is a carryover transaction. 1 = true |
[rar].[LeaveTransaction] | [CarryoverExpiryDate] | Added | DATE NULL / The date of when the Carryover transaction expire |
[rar].[LeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | [IsCarryover] | Added | BIT NULL / Is carryover flag. 1 = true |
[rar].[LeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | [CarryoverExpiryDate] | Added | DATE NULL / Carryover expiry date |
[rar].[NationalInsuranceBandsUK] | [DisplayOrder] | Added | INT NULL |
[rar].[PayCode] | [AttendanceDetailId] | Added | INT NULL / Foreign key to FO.AttendanceDetails.AbsenceItem_id |
[rar].[PayCode] | [DefaultAttendanceStartTime] | Added | TIME (7) NULL / Default start time where the leave pay code is to be utilised in standard rate timesheet additional items. |
[rar].[PayCodePayroll] | [IsIncludedInNMWDetermination] | Removed | BIT DEFAULT 0 |
[rar].[PayCodePayroll] | [IsIncludedInNMWDeterminationPayAndHours] | Added | BIT DEFAULT 0 / To indicate if a pay code should be included in the NMW determination for pay and hours |
[rar].[PayCodePayroll] | [IsIncludedInNMWDeterminationPay] | Added | BIT DEFAULT 0 / Indicate if a pay code be included in the NMW determination for pay |
[rar].[PayCompanyUK] | [BSSNCPRecovery] | Added | NVARCHAR(50) NULL / Balance Sheet SNCP Recovery |
[rar].[PayCompanyUK] | [PLSNCPRecovery] | Added | NVARCHAR(50) NULL / Profie/Loss SNCP Recovery |
[rar].[PayeeHeaderPayrollUK] | [WorkPlacePostCode] | Added | VARCHAR(50) NULL / WorkPlace PostCode |
[rar].[PayeePayrollChildRelatedPaymentEpisodesUK] | [EmployerPensionContributionAdjustmentAmount] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) / Employer Pension Contribution Adjustment Amount |
[rar].[PayeePayrollChildRelatedPaymentEpisodesUK] | [EmployerPensionableEarningsAdjustmentAmount] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) / Employer Pensionable Earnings Adjustment Amount |
[rar].[PayeePayrollChildRelatedPaymentEpisodesUK] | [IsPayRemainingSNCPPaymentsInTerminationPayBatch] | Added | BIT NULL |
[rar].[PayeePayrollChildRelatedPaymentEpisodesUK] | [DateChildEnteredNeonatalCare] | Added | DATE NULL / Date Child Entered Neonatal Care |
[rar].[PayeeTaxYTDUK] | [PensionSalarySacrificeYTD] | Added | DECIMAL(38, 6) / Pension Salary Sacrifice YTD |
[rar].[PensionAutoEnrolmentsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK] | [IsSalarySacrifice] | Added | BIT NULL / Is Pension Auto Enrolment Salary Sacrifice |
[rar].[PensionAutoEnrolmentsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK] |
| New Index | [IDX_PensionAutoEnrolmentsGrossWageBatchHistoryUK_PayeePayrollPensionEnrolmentUKId_EnrollmentStatusType] |
[rar].[PensionAutoEnrolmentsGrossWageBatchUK] | [IsSalarySacrifice] | Added | BIT NULL / Is Pension Auto Enrolment Salary Sacrifice |
[rar].[PensionProviderOutputs] | [SalarySacrificeEnabled] | Added | BIT DEFAULT 0 / Is Salary Sacrifice Enabled for pension provider output |
[rar].[PensionRateRule] | [PLExportAccount] | Added | NVARCHAR(50) NULL / PLExportAccount |
[rar].[PensionSchemes] | [SalarySacrifice] | Added | BIT DEFAULT 0 / Defines the scheme name if it is different to the salary sacrifice scheme |
[rar].[PensionSchemes] | [NonSalarySacrificeSchemeName] | Added | VARCHAR(50) NULL / Defines the scheme name if it is different to the salary sacrifice scheme |
[rar].[PensionSchemes] | [PayslipSalarySacrificeName] | Added | VARCHAR(50) NULL / Defines the Payslip Salary Sacrifice Name if it is different to the Salary Sacrifice Name |
[rar].[PensionSchemeValidity] | [SalarySacrificePayCode] | Added | INT NULL / Foreign Key to rar.PayCode.PayCode_Id to store SalarySacrifice Pay Code |
[rar].[RemovedLeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | [IsCarryover] | Added | BIT NULL / Is carryover flag. 1 = true |
[rar].[RemovedLeaveTransactionGrossWageBatch] | [CarryoverExpiryDate] | Added | DATE NULL / Carryover expiry date |
[cst].[ExportFileFormats] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericAccessFinancialsSaleExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericAccessFinancialsWageExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericAccountMaintenanceOptions] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericAccountMaintenanceTemplates] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericFieldMaintenanceOptions] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericFieldMaintenanceTemplates] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericFISystems] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericMasterSettings] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericMYOBDebtorExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericMYOBSaleExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericMYOBWageExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericPerformanceLogs] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericSageSaleExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericSageWageExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericTemplates] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericWageGroupingTemplates] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericWageItemTypeTemplates] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericXERODebtorExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericXEROSaleExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[GenericXEROWageExports] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[Reports_BackUp] |
| New Table | |
[cst].[Reports_BackUp_23082024] |
| New Table | |
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayeeSalarySacrificeAdjustmentHistoryUK] | New Table | ||
[rar].[GrossWageBatchPayeeSalarySacrificeAdjustmentUK] |
| New Table | |
[rar].[NationalMinimumWageGrossWageBatchLink] |
| New Table | |
[rar].[NationalMinimumWageGrossWageBatchLinkHistory] |
| New Table |