Terminating A Payee Within A Pay Batch

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Terminating A Payee Within A Pay Batch


Payee’s can be terminated at the termination stage within a pay batch. This includes any payees who are currently or due to receive Statutory Neonatal Care Pay.

When entering a termination date within the pay batch and clicking save, a message will appear to advise the payee has SNCP payments outstanding.


On Click of Yes : All remaining payments will be added within the pay batch. These will be shown as one item, the quantity will reflect the amount of weeks paid.

On Click of No: Remaining payments for future periods will not be included but remain within the payments tab of the child related absence.

The payees year to date payment amount will show the payments made once the pay batch has closed.


On termination any payments due can be processed.




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