Hierarchy - Office - Agency Worker Regulations (AWR) Section

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Hierarchy - Office - Agency Worker Regulations (AWR) Section


When the Country Hierarchy AWR Active field is checked on, the Agency Worker Regulations section is visible in the Office Hierarchy screen.







Qualifying Weeks Before Parity

Should you need jobs that are all under 1 office have a different number of weeks before reaching parity to the country Hierarchy setting, it can be applied at this point. This may be useful if, for example, all jobs in Northern Ireland or Wales decide to change the qualifying weeks to be something different.

  • A value up to 99 can be entered.

  • If a value of 0 is entered, this means that parity is from the start of the job order.

Reset After Weeks Not Worked

Should you need jobs that are all under 1 office to have their clock count reset to zero if not worked that is different to the Country Hierarchy Reset After Weeks Not Worked, it can be applied.

  • If the Country Hierarchy Reset After Weeks Not Worked is zero, this field will be disabled.

  • The field cannot be zero.

  • Leaving this field blank means that it will use the Country Hierarchy Reset After Weeks Not Worked.


Allows different qualifying weeks to be applied for different parts of a country if required.


The AWR Active flag in the hierarchy should be checked on.

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