FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Configuration of Allowances
For any allowance pay codes that are configured to be reported as separate, itemised amounts on the Individual Non Business payment summary, including for STP reporting, it is necessary to classify those allowances so that the ATO can determine which types of allowances are being reported. An allowance will be itemised on the Individual Non Business payment summary if any of the following fields are ticked on in the allowance pay code configuration on the Rates and Rules > Maintenance > Pay Code > Pay Code Entry > Allowance screen:
Show on Individual Non Business Payment Summary – available for non-threshold based and threshold based allowance pay codes.
Show on Individual Non Business Payment Summary (Above Threshold) – available for threshold based allowance pay codes only.
For STP reporting, such allowances must be classified by type so that the ATO knows which type of allowance is being reported. To do this, you must select an option from the Allowance Type field on the Pay Code Entry screen, as highlighted below.
The Allowance Type field is only available if the allowance pay code is configured to display as a separate, itemised allowance on the Individual Non Business payment summary and allows you to select the following options:
For information about which types of allowances must be itemised versus included in gross earnings for Individual Non Business payees, refer to the following topic on the ATO website:
The above applies to payees who are subject to the Individual Non Business Payment Summary (in FastTrack360 these are payees with a Tax Type of PAYG and a Payee Type of Individual Non Business).
For payees with a payee type/income type of Labour Hire, allowances are never itemised and are always reported in gross earnings except if the Include in Gross Earnings on Business and Personal Services Payment Summary option is not ticked on allowance pay code, in which case the allowance is not reported at all.
For Working Holiday Maker payees (payees with a tax status of Working Holiday Maker) all taxable allowances are reported in gross earnings regardless and never itemised regardless of whether the allowance is configured to be itemised or included in gross earnings.
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