Suppliers / 3rd Tier Agencies / Umbrella Companies

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Suppliers / 3rd Tier Agencies / Umbrella Companies

As a Recruitment Agency you may need to source candidates from another recruitment agency (3rd tier agency) for the following reasons:

  • to fulfil a role where you do not have the available candidate(s);

  • where you do not wish to deal with the complex payroll legislation. 

In these scenarios you will still have a relationship with the Client and will continue to invoice, however you will not be paying the candidate as the 3rd tier agency (Supplier / Umbrella Company) will pay the candidate.  Against the job order, the pay rate will be the 3rd tier agency’s charge rate for supplying the candidate.  Your Agency will not necessarily need to know what the 3rd tier agency is paying the supplied candidate.  You may also wish to send a Proforma Remittance to the 3rd tier agency which details what the expected bill value will be before sending the actual remittance.  This process can also be used to identify errors prior to the generation of the actual remittance. 

In this release we have included the ability to create two types of 3rd tier agency records to support these requirements:

Supplier - where you are unable to source the required candidate(s) and as such the candidate(s) are soured from a 3rd party supplier.

Umbrella Company - where you use contractors to fulfil positions but do not wish to be responsible for the payees as if they were a direct employees and have full employment rights. However, in doing so, this could mean that the agency and payee are avoiding paying tax. To help all parties, the contractor would register with an umbrella organisation to have the appropriate country taxes managed on their behalf for a fee as if they were an employee. This way the agency does not have the responsibility of the collection of taxes, the payee has the correct tax deducted from their earnings as it is paid via the umbrella company and the tax office receives their required payments.

To setup your system to provide these services, the following is required:



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Give your user(s) permission to the features required.

Maintenance > Role-Data Groups:

  • Gross Wage > Suppliers - ability to create and manage Suppliers / Umbrella Companies

  • Interpreter Results > View Proforma Remittance - ability to view Proforma Remittance documents where generated on an interpreted, reviewed timesheet. This will occur where the Supplier/Umbrella Company is configured to generate Proforma Remittance.

Maintenance > Role - Data Groups - Security Permission for Gross Wage


Create the required document formats

Maintenance > Document Format:

  • Proforma Remittance. Use ‘Type’ of Proforma Remittance if you will be using is process.

  • Payslip Remittance - Use Payslip > Format Type Supplier (to create consolidated payslip remittances, else use Payee). 

Configuring Document Formats > Proforma Remittance Formats

Create Document Format Group

Maintenance > Document Format Group. Use ‘Group Type’ Pay. Assign required Payslip and Proforma Remittance (if required).

Document Designer > Document Format Groups

Create Email Templates

Maintenance > Pay/Bill Email Template

Proforma Remittance. Use ‘Type’ of Proforma Remittance if you will be using this process.

Payslip Remittance. You may wish to create a new template for payslips that are of ‘Type’ Supplier where consolidated remittances are utlisied.

Maintenance > Pay/Bill Email Template

Create Suppliers / Umbrella Companies

Payroll > Suppliers:

Set up the required suppliers of 'type' 3rd Tier Agency and or Umbrella and assign the required Format Group, if Proforma Remittances are required etc.

How to Create a New Supplier

Create Payees linked to Supplier / Umbrella Company

Payroll > Payee:

Set up payees of Payee Type 3rd Tier Agency and or Umbrella and link them to the related Supplier Record.

Payroll > Payees - Creating & Managing Payees


Process for using a Supplied Candidate:



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Fill the Job Order with the Supplied Candidate

The Candidate needs to have a Payee Record with the type of 3rd Tier Agency and or Umbrella.

The Job’s Payee Tax Type needs to be ‘Company/3rd Tier Agency’ or Company/Umbrella' as per the Payee.

Recruitment Manager > Job Order Temp/Contract - Fill Job with the Supplied Candidate.  When the Job is successfully Submitted to Timesheet, the Supplier displays at the header of the job and in the Placement section.

On Submit to Timesheet, if the Payee Tax Type field contains the Payee Type of Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency and if the payee has multiple supplied payee records, you will need to select the appropriate payee record.

Payroll > Payees - Creating & Managing Payees

Job Order - Fill a Job

Time & Attendance

The timesheet is completed and approved as per the normal process.


Interpreter Review

The interpreted timesheet is set to Reviewed, which will trigger the generation of Pro-Forma Remittance (where the Supplier has Proforma Remittance ticked, Proforma remittance is auto generated and emailed to supplier).  This remittance is then displayed in Candidate Record > Payslips List.  Not available in the Candidate Portal.

Reviewing Individual Timesheets

Pay Process

Pay payee as normal, and as a Third Tier Agency / Umbrella payee Tax Type is Company, so no income tax is calculated, GST is calculated at GST stage where supplier is GST registered.  Wage Costs are not calculated.  Not included for STP / Payday submission.


Pay Process > Payslip Delivery - Supplier

Where the payslip is of Format Type Supplier, a consolidated paybatch payslip is sent.  Where the Format Type is Payee, the Supplier / Umbrella Company will receive a payslip per payee per pay batch.  The Payslip is not shown in the Candidate Portal.

How to Search for Payslips

Pay Process > EFT Pay - EFT Payment File

When you generate an EFT file that includes Supplied Payees, the payment will go to the Supplier Bank Account.  One row for each supplier in the batch, consolidated for the Third Tier Agency payees belonging to that supplier.

Payroll > Pay Process > EFT Pay - Payment File for Supplied Payees

Invoice the Client

Invoice your Client as per normal process.


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