FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Create a New Supplier
The setup of a Supplier (Umbrella / 3rd Tier Agency) is supported by the creation of related elements within FastTrack360. For details on the order of configuration when first setting up a supplier see Suppliers / 3rd Tier Agencies / Umbrella Companies.
How to Create a New Supplier
1 | Go to Payroll > Suppliers The Suppliers Maintenance screen opens. |
2 | Click Add. The Add Supplier screen opens. | |
3 | Complete the required fields. Company Name - The name of the company supplying the payees. This field is mandatory and the name must be unique. The name will be shown in the selection list to select a supplier against a payee when the payee type of 3rd Tier Agency or Umbrella is selected. Trading Name - The trading name of the company supplying the payees. This field is mandatory. Type - The type of the supplier. Can be Umbrella or 3rd Tier Agency. This field is mandatory. Active - Defaults to active. If unticked you will not be able to assign a payee to the supplier. Import / Export Code - define a codes used in a 3rd party system that the supplier is known by. Tax Details<<Company Registration Number>> - The label will refer to the Company Registration Label setting in the country hierarchy. Optional for the UK. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Business Type - The type of business. This is only visible for the country United Kingdom and is defaulted to Limited Company. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. <<VAT/GST>> Registered - The label will refer to the GST Label setting in the country hierarchy. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. <<VAT>> Number - The label will refer to the GST Label setting in the country hierarchy. Not applicable to AU. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Payslip DetailsPayslip Delivery - Define how the remittance should be delivered to the supplier. Options are Email or Print. This field is mandatory. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Payslip Format Group - To define what payslip format group the supplier is to receive. This will display all active payslip format groups available for the document format type of Payslip. This field is mandatory. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. A supplier can either receive 1 payslip per supplied payee, or a consolidated payslip where 1 payslip shows all supplied payees. See Configuring Document Formats section of the online help for further information. Contractor Payment Terms - If you want to delay when the timesheets are picked up in a pay batch, you can define the payment terms for the supplier. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached where the payee’s contractor payment term is not overridden. Proforma DetailsProforma Remittance - Checked to indicate if a pro-forma remittance should be sent to the supplier from the Interpreter review. If checked the following fields in this section are displayed. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Proforma Remittance Starting ID - This defines the starting ID for the supplier’s proforma documents. This starting ID will be propagated onto each payee record linked to that supplier. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Proforma Remittance Delivery Method - Proforma Remittances can only be delivered by Email. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Proforma Remittance Email Template - The Proforma Email Template to attach the proforma document to when delivered to the supplier. This field is mandatory where Proforma Remittance is ticked. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Latest Proforma Remittance ID - This will display the last proforma remittance for all of the linked payees to that supplier. Payment DetailsPayment Method - This will list the available payment methods for the country. The pay method of SEPA or International is only visible if Multi Currency feature has been enabled on your environment. Sort Code / BIC - The branch identifier. It is visible and must be entered if the payment method is BACS or SEPA (UK). If SEPA is the pay method, the label will display as BIC. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Account Name - The supplier’s account name. It is visible and must be entered if the payment method is BACS, SEPA or International. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Account Number / IBAN - The supplier’s account number. It is visible and must be entered if the payment method is BACS, SEPA or International. The label will change to IBAN where the pay method is SEPA or International. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. Account Reference - A field to enter a reference, if the supplier has provided the account reference that should appear on the BACS file. If entered, this data is propagated onto the supplied payee record when the supplier is attached. ContactFirst Name - The first name of the contact at the supplier that should receive the payslip remittance. This field is mandatory. Surname - The surname of the contact at the supplier that should receive the payslip remittance. This field is mandatory. Email - The supplier contact’s email address. This must be unique and not exist on any other user record. This field is mandatory. Phone - The supplier contact’s phone number. Mailing Address - Enter the supplier’s address. This field is mandatory. |
4 | Select Save. The supplier record is saved. A welcome email is sent to the email address with login details to enable the person to download the payslip remittances (this will be required where the Maintenance > Hierarchy > Middle/Back Office Country Setting ‘Pay Document Delivery Type:’ is set to URL link. Where this is not set in Hierarchy, the remittance will be an attachment, and will not require a password). See below for details on the welcome email. |
Welcome Email
An automated welcome email is sent to the Supplier Contact when either of the following occurs:
a new supplier record is created and saved for the first time
the email address of the Supplier Contact changes.
The purpose of the email is to provide the Supplier Contact with login details that are required for the contact to log into FastTrack360 so that they can access remittance advice related to supplied payees. This is primarily required if the Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country > Pay Setting > Pay Document Delivery Type is set to the URL Link option for the payroll country, in which case the Supplier Contact must be provisioned with login details to allow them to access remittance advice for payees who they have supplied. However, the automated welcome email is sent irrespective of the Pay Document Delivery Type that is selected.
The email template for the welcome email is as follows:
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