How Edit / Delete a Supplier

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How Edit / Delete a Supplier

How to Edit a Supplier


Go to Payroll > Suppliers

The Suppliers Maintenance screen opens.



In the Search section enter search parameters as required and select Search.

A list of suppliers displays in the Results list.


In the row corresponding to the required supplier record, click Edit.

The Edit Supplier screen opens.


Update the required fields.



Select Save.

The supplier record is saved. Where the supplier email is changed, a new welcome email is sent to the updated email address with login details to enable the person to download the payslip remittances (this will be required where the Maintenance > Hierarchy > Middle/Back Office Country Setting ‘Pay Document Delivery Type:’ is set to URL link. Where this is not set in Hierarchy, the remittance will be an attachment, and will not require a password).


How to Delete a Supplier


Go to Payroll > Suppliers

The Suppliers Maintenance screen opens.



In the Search section enter search parameters as required and select Search.

A list of suppliers displays in the Results list.


In the row corresponding to the required supplier record, click Delete.

The standard confirmation message is displayed. Where the supplier has been linked to one or more payees, a hard warning is displayed and the record will not be deleted.

