Reviewing Individual Timesheets

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Reviewing Individual Timesheets

You can open any timesheet that is listed in the Interpreter Review screen to view more details about that timesheet and to adjust that timesheet if necessary.

To open a timesheet that is listed in the Interpreter Review screen, click the Edit button (shown below) on the timesheet.

The timesheet opens in the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen, as shown in the example below.

As highlighted in the example above, the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen consists of two main sections; the header and the details tabs.

The header of the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen displays details about the timesheet itself as well as information about the following items associated with the timesheet:

  • Job Order

  • Client

  • Payee

  • Pay Agreement

  • Bill Agreement

  • Proforma Remittance.

For more information about the fields displayed in the header, see Timesheet Details Header Fields below.

The detail tabs section of the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen displays the following tabs:

  • Interpreted Timesheet Details tab lists the interpreted timesheet items, consolidated by pay code and bill code and allows the timesheet to be adjusted.

  • Primary Interpretation Details tab shows how the interpretation process split the time keyed against each timesheet item and allocated the time against pay codes and corresponding bill codes.

  • Original Timesheet tab lists each timesheet item, as it appeared on the original timesheet

  • Audit tab - shows a history of changes made to a timesheet

  • History tab (for adjustment timesheets only) – lists the interpreted timesheet items, consolidated by pay code and bill code, for the original timesheet as well as any previous adjustment timesheets.

Timesheet Details Header Fields

The header of the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen displays details about the timesheet. The header displays a label, as highlighted in the example below, which identifies the timesheet type.

The label Original Timesheet or Adjustment Timesheet identifies whether the timesheet you are viewing an original or adjustment timesheet.

In the example above, the timesheet is an original (normal) timesheet that has not been adjusted and therefore the label Original Timesheet is shown. Depending on the type of timesheet you are viewing, one of the following labels may be displayed instead:

  • Adjustment Timesheet – indicates the timesheet was created by adjusting an original timesheet via the Time and Attendance adjustment workflow

  • Back Pay Timesheet – indicates the timesheet is an adjustment timesheet created by the Back Pay process

  • Adjusted Back Pay Timesheet – indicates the timesheet is an adjustment timesheet created by adjusting a timesheet, which was already adjusted by the Back Pay process, via the Time and Attendance adjustment workflow.

The header in the Timesheet Details screen also displays a series of horizontally tabs that display more information about the job order, client, payee, pay agreement and bill agreement associated with the timesheet.

By default, the Job Order tab is displayed but you can display any of the other tabs by clicking the tab name. For example, to see information about the payee to whom the timesheet belongs, click the Payee tab. 

Batch ID

Displays the ID number of the interpreter batch in which the timesheet was processed.

Batch Date

Displays the date and time the interpreter batch, in which the timesheet was included, was processed.

TS Start Date

Displays the start date of the work period to which the timesheet corresponds.

TS End Date

Displays the end date of the work period to which the timesheet corresponds.

Adjustment Reason

Displays where the timesheet is an Adjustment Timesheet. The reason assigned to the adjustment timesheet is displayed here.

Job Order Tab

Job Order Number

Displays the number uniquely identifying the job order.


Displays the office code and name of the agency office that manages the job order.


Displays the name of the job position filled by the job order.

Client Position

Displays the name of the job’s client position filled by the job order.

Purchase Order Number

Displays the purchase order number to which the job order corresponds.

Start Date

Displays the date on which the job order started.

End Date

Displays the date on which the job order ends.

Job Order Staff

Recruitment Manager agency user staff ID number of the agency staff member who created the job order (Job Creator) to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders created by a specific staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.

Job Owner Staff

Recruitment Manager agency user staff ID number of the staff member who is the Job Owner of the job order to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders managed by a specific staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.

Filled Staff

Recruitment Manager agency user staff ID number of the staff member that has filled the job order to which the timesheets belong. To list only those timesheets belonging to job orders filled by a specific staff member, enter the agency user’s ID in this field.

Client Tab

Corporate Name

Displays the name of the parent company that owns the client with which the timesheet is associated.

Client Code

Displays the Recruitment Manager client number of the client company.

Debtor No

Displays the unique, system-generated code that identifies the debtor company to which the client belongs.

Cost Centre Name

Displays the name of the client cost centre for which the job order was raised.

Client Name

Displays the name of the client company.

Debtor Name

Displays the name of the debtor company to which the client belongs.

Payee Tab

Payee No

Displays the Recruitment Manager candidate number of the payee.

Payee Name

Displays the first name and surname of the payee.

Pay Group

Displays Timesheet’s Pay Group name.

Employment Type

Displays the Payee’s Employment Type

Candidate Staff

Displays the Payee’s Candidate Record’s Candidate Owner (agency user’s name)

Candidate No

Displays the Payee’s Candidate Record’s Candidate Number.

Pay Agreement Tab

Pay Agreement

Displays the name of the pay agreement applied to the timesheet during the interpretation process.

Conditional Item List

Displays the conditional variables for the pay agreement.


Displays a textual description of the pay agreement that applies to the timesheet. This allows you to check that the correct pay agreement has been assigned to the job order to which the timesheet corresponds. If the description is lengthy, you can click next to this field to display the entire description in a separate popup window.

Bill Agreement Tab

Bill Agreement

Displays the name of the bill agreement applied to the timesheet during the interpretation process.

Conditional Item List

Displays the conditional variables for the bill agreement.


Displays a textual description of the bill agreement that applies to the timesheet. This allows you to check that the correct bill agreement has been assigned to the job order to which the timesheet corresponds. If the description is lengthy, you can click next to this field to display the entire description in a separate popup window.

Proforma Remittance

Used to display details about interim pay advice documents that have been generated for a timesheet. The fields that are displayed on the Proforma Remittance tab are described below.

Proforma Remittance ID

Displays the unique ID of the interim pay advice that has been generated for the corresponding timesheet.

This field is blank if an interim pay advice is yet to be generated (i.e. status of the timesheet is Not Reviewed) or the payee is not subject to being issued interim pay advice.

If an interim pay advice document has already been created for the corresponding timesheet but the status of the timesheet is reverted to Not Reviewed, this field continues to display the ID of the original document until the status of the timesheet is set to Reviewed again and a new, updated document is generated. At that point the ID will be incremented to identify that the previous document has been superseded.

Date of Proforma Remittance ID

Displays the date on which the interim pay advice was generated for the corresponding timesheet.

This field is blank if an interim pay advice is yet to be generated (i.e. status of the timesheet is Not Reviewed) or the payee is not subject to being issued interim pay advice.

If an interim pay advice document has already been created for the corresponding timesheet but the status of the timesheet is reverted to Not Reviewed, this field continues to display the date when the original document was generated until the status of the timesheet is set to Reviewed again and a new, updated document is generated. At that point the date updates to show the creation date of the latest document.


Displays the current status of the interim pay advice for the corresponding timesheet.

This field is blank until an interim pay advice document has been generated (i.e. until the status of the timesheet is set to Reviewed) or the payee is not subject to being issued interim pay advice.

If an interim pay advice document has been generated, this field displays one of the following:

Active - indicates that an interim pay advice document has been created and it is the current document for the timesheet.

Inactive - indicates that an interim pay advice document has been created but the status of the timesheet has since been reverted to Not Reviewed and therefore the current document will be superseded once the status of the timesheet is set to Reviewed again.

Pending - indicates either:

  • That the status of the timesheet has changed from Not Reviewed to Reviewed, which will trigger the generation of an interim pay advice document, but the document is yet to be generated by the proforma remittance service. The next time that the service runs, the document will be created and the status of the interim pay advice will update to Active. Or

  • The timesheet has just been set to Reviewed and the proforma remittance service is yet to run to include the timesheet for processing. The proforma service, by default, runs at 5 minute intervals and there could be a 5 minute gap during which the proforma fields are to be populated with values.




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