FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Viewing the Primary Interpretation Details
The Primary Interpretation Details tab of the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen allows you to view the result of running the timesheet through the primary interpretation process.
The Primary Interpretation Details tab shows how each shift from the timesheet has been split into individual items that can be payed and billed. For example, if a shift on the timesheet started at 9:00 and ended at 17:00, with an unpaid break from 12:00 until 12:30, the primary interpretation process might split the shift into two items; one representing the paid block of time from 9:00 until 12:00 and the other representing the paid block of time from 12:30-17:00. The Primary Interpretation Details tab might therefore show two separate items, with different start and end times, occurring on the date of the shift. If there are project items associated with the shift, the shift is broken down further by project code and the Primary Interpretation Details tab lists a separate item for each block of time that is attributable to a specific project code.
If a shift crossed the midnight boundary between two dates, the individual items into which the shift was split may be dated one day later than the day of the shift, as shown on the timesheet. This depends on the midnight boundary rules that are applied during the primary interpretation process.
The Primary Interpretation Details tab also shows the pay code and bill code against which each item was allocated by the Interpreter.
An example of the Primary Interpretation Details tab is shown below.
Items that have been manually added to an interpreted timesheet either via the Interpreter or via Manual Item Import will not display in this tab as they have not been interpreted.
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