FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Interpreter Review Process

The general process for reviewing and adjusting interpreted timesheets via the Interpreter Review area of the Interpreter Results module is as follows:

  1. In the Interpreter Review screen, list the interpreted timesheets that have a status type of Not Reviewed, Reviewed - Bill Only or Reviewed - Pay Only.

  2. Of those timesheets that are listed, identify which timesheets require adjustment.

  3. Open any timesheets requiring adjustment in the Interpreted Timesheet Details screen and adjust the timesheets accordingly.

  4. Once all incorrect timesheets have been adjusted, change the status type of the timesheets listed in the Interpreter Review screen to Reviewed - Pay and Bill, Reviewed - Pay Only or Reviewed - Bill Only.


The Reviewed - Pay and Bill status type means that an interpreted timesheet is released for pay and bill processing. If a timesheet needs to be released for pay processing but not bill processing or vice versa, the status type can be changed to Reviewed - Pay Only or Reviewed - Bill Only respectively.




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