FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Adjusting an Interpreted Timesheet
In Interpreter Review, an interpreted timesheet can be adjusted if anomalies are discovered on the timesheet after it is interpreted. If and how a timesheet can be adjusted in Interpreter Review depends on the interpreted timesheet status type of the timesheet as follows:
Interpreted Timesheet Status Type | Timesheet Adjustment Possible? |
Not Reviewed | Both the pay and bill side of the interpreted timesheet can be adjusted. |
Reviewed - Pay Only | Only the bill side of the timesheet can be adjusted. To adjust the pay side of the timesheet, the status type of the timesheet can be changed to Not Reviewed if the timesheet is yet to be paid in a pay batch. If the timesheet has already been paid, then the pay side of the timesheet can only be adjusted by triggering another adjustment timesheet from the Time and Attendance module. |
Reviewed - Bill Only | Only the pay side of the timesheet can be adjusted. To adjust the bill side of the timesheet, the status type of the timesheet can be changed to Not Reviewed if the timesheet is yet to be billed in an invoice batch. If the timesheet has already been billed, then the bill side of the timesheet can only be adjusted by triggering another adjustment timesheet from the Time and Attendance module. |
Reviewed - Pay and Bill | Neither the pay nor bill side of the timesheet can be adjusted. To adjust the pay and bill side of the timesheet, the status type of the timesheet can be changed to Not Reviewed if the timesheet is yet to be paid in a pay batch and is yet to be billed in an invoice batch. If the timesheet has already been paid in a pay batch but is yet to be invoiced, the status type of the timesheet can be changed to Reviewed - Pay Only if the bill side of the timesheet needs to be adjusted. If the timesheet has already been billed in an invoice batch but is yet to be paid, the status type of the timesheet can be changed to Reviewed - Bill Only if the pay side of the timesheet needs to be adjusted. If the timesheet has already been paid or billed, then the pay or bill side of the timesheet can only be adjusted respectively by triggering another adjustment timesheet from the Time and Attendance module. |
For more information, see Changing the Status of an Interpreted Timesheet.
When adjusting an interpreted timesheet, it is important to distinguish between the two types of timesheet items that may appear on an interpreted timesheet; interpreted items and manual items.
Interpreted items are timesheet items that have been processed by the Interpreter.
Manual items are timesheet items that have been added to an interpreted timesheet manually by performing an adjustment. This includes any item that is created by copying an existing manual or interpreted item.
The table below lists the conditions under which a timesheet may require an adjustment. For each condition, the table describes the adjustment action that can be taken to correct the condition.
Condition | Adjustment Action |
An item that should appear on the timesheet is missing from the timesheet. | Add a new manual item to the timesheet or copy an existing manual or interpreted item. |
An item that should not appear on the timesheet does appear on the timesheet. | If the item is a manual item, delete the item. If the item is an interpreted item, reverse the item. |
The pay code or bill code for an item on the timesheet is incorrect. | If the item is a manual item, edit the item and select the correct pay and/or bill code. If the item is an interpreted item, reverse the item and create a new manual item with the correct pay and/or bill code. |
The pay or bill quantity for an item on the timesheet is incorrect. | If the item is a manual item, edit the item and select the correct pay and/or bill quantity. If the item is an interpreted item, reverse the item and create a new manual item with the correct pay and/or bill quantity. |
The pay or bill rate for an item on the timesheet is incorrect. | If the item is a manual item, edit the item and select the correct pay and/or bill rate. If the item is an interpreted item, reverse the item and create a new manual item with the correct pay and/or bill rate. |
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