FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Pay and Bill Email Templates
Bill Email Templates
When sending an invoice/credit note to a debtor from the Delivery screen within the Billing application, an email template is selected, as such email templates must be configured before invoices/credit notes can be distributed to debtors. The templates define the text that will appear within the subject line of the email by default, as well as the text that is to appear within the body of the email message by default. The subject line text and the body text can be edited prior to sending the email if necessary.
The body text of the email template can contain ordinary text as well as merge tags. Merge tags output the content of database fields. For example, a merge tag can be included within the body of an email message template to display an invoice or credit note number within the message.
Each email template is assigned to a specific country, and has a flag that indicates if the email template record is active and therefore, if that email template can be selected when an invoice/credit note is being emailed to a debtor. When an email template is created it is flagged as active by default. However, you can flag a template as inactive to prevent it being used until a specific point in time.
Pay Email Templates
Email templates are used when sending various pay-related documents to be payees or suppliers. The types of pay email templates that are available for each payroll country include:
AU Single Touch Payroll (STP) notification templates and AU Payment Summaries
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Payslip for Payee and Umbrella Co.
Proforma remittance email templates can also be defined for any country. Proforma remittance documents can be automatically generated each time a payee’s interpreted timesheet is released for payroll processing and such documents provide an interim indication of how much the payee will be paid when the corresponding timesheet is paid in a pay batch. Proforma remittance email templates allow the proforma remittance documents to be emailed automatically to a payee whenever they are generated.
AU Payroll - Pay Email Templates
Email Templates
Payslip and Payment Summaries email templates are used to define what appears in email messages that are sent to payees who have their payslips and payment summaries delivered via email.
Once created, email templates that apply to payslips can be selected in the Email Template field on the Payroll > Pay Process > Payslip Delivery > Email Payslips screen.
Once created, email templates that apply to payment summaries can be selected in the Email Template field on the Payroll > ATO Report > Payment Summary Batch > Payment Summary Delivery > Email Payment Summaries screen.
STP Notification Templates
STP notification templates define what appears in automated email or SMS notifications that can be sent to payees to notify of changes to their income statements, which are accessible via the myGov portal. The table below explains the different STP notification template types that can be created.
STP Notification Type | Description |
STP EOFY Finalisation Notification | This type of template is used for notifications that are sent to payees when their finalised earnings for a financial year are successfully reported to the ATO in a STP EOFY batch. This type of notification can be used to alert payees that their finalised income statement for the financial year is available in the myGov portal and can be used to pre-fill their tax returns after 30 June. |
STP Pay Finalisation Notification | This type of template is used for notifications that are sent to payees when they have had their employment terminated in a pay batch and their final pay has then been reported successfully to the ATO via STP. This type of notification can be used to alert payees that their finalised income statement is available in the myGov portal. |
STP Finalised Pay Update Notification | This type of template is used for notifications that are sent to payees who have had their pay finalised but receive further payments in the financial year, which are reported successfully to the ATO via STP. This applies to payees who have had their pay finalised at EOFY and payees who have had their pay finalised due to having their employment terminated. This type of notification can be used to alert payees that their finalised income statement on myGov has been adjusted since being finalised. |
The message text defined by an email template can include merge tags that allow variable information from the database to be inserted into the body of the email message. For example, merge tags can be used to insert the first name and surname of the payee to whom the email is sent. The system automatically inserts the relevant first name and surname of the payee depending on who is receiving the email.
NZ Payroll - Pay Email Templates
Email templates are used to define what appears in email messages that are sent to payees who have their payslips delivered via email.
Once created, email templates that apply to payslips can be selected in the Email Template field on the Payroll > Pay Process > Payslip Delivery > Email Payslips screen.
The message text defined by an email template can include merge tags that allow variable information from the database to be inserted into the body of the email message. For example, merge tags can be used to insert the first name and surname of the payee to whom the email is sent. The system automatically inserts the first name and surname of the relevant payee in each email message depending on each payee who receives the email.
UK Payroll - Pay Email Template
When sending a pay document to a payee from Payslip Delivery or P45 Generation or P60 Generation, the user has to select a template on which the email is to be based. The available email templates must be configured before the pay documents or notification that the documents are ready in the portal via email.
The email templates define the text that will appear within the subject line of the email by default as well as the text that is to appear within the body of the email message by default. The subject line text and the body text can be edited prior to sending the email if necessary.
The body text of the email template can contain ordinary text as well as merge tags. Merge tags output the content of database fields. For example, a merge tag can be included within the body of an email message template to display a url link to link to the payslip within the message.
Each email template is assigned to a specific country and has a flag that indicates if the email template record is active and therefore, if that email template can be selected when pay document notification is to be sent to the payee. When an email template is created it is flagged as active by default. However, you can flag a template as inactive to prevent it being used until a specific point in time.
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