FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Custom Actions
To enhance the capabilities of the FastTrack Marketplace, and provide additional functionality for interactions/requests between users of Recruitment Manager and third party system features, Custom Actions can be setup configured.
Manual Custom Actions
Manual Custom Actions can be located within the following areas of the system:
Cost Centre
Client Contact
Job Order
Candidate Search
Contact Search
Referral Workflow
Doco Management HeaderDoco Management – Doco List
Doco Management – Pending List
Where a Manual Custom Action is setup, if a user has been given Security Permission to the action, it will display in the related record. When the action is selected, the user will either see a pop up screen with further details required, or the action may take the user to another system to complete the request.
In the above example, a Manual Custom Action has been configured to display in Candidate Search, so the user needs to tick the applicable records, then click on Custom Action. One or more Custom Actions can be set up to perform different requests.
Where a Custom Action has been setup, the you will need to advise users of the nature of the action and the steps required to complete the request.
Event Custom Actions (version 11.39 Patch 1 onward)
Event Custom Actions can also be configured to trigger where an event occurs. You can configure an 'Action Type' of 'Event', for the following items:
Job Order Fill - the action will automatically trigger where a job is filled (via any method ie; manual, via referral workflow stage move, via API).
Referral Workflow Stage - the action will automatically trigger where a candidate is moved to the assigned stage via the UI or via an API. Note: this item does not include the Filled Stage as it is already included in the above Action Trigger.
Where an Event Custom Action has been configured, security permissions are not created as the action will trigger automatically where the event occurs, providing the event is successful ie; job has been filled.
Where a FastTrack360 API is utilised to fill a job or perform a stage move, if Event Custom Actions have been configured, these will be triggered following the success of the API call.
Where a Custom Action is required to facilitate requests for Marketplace vendors, on setup of an account with the vendor, the Agency will be provided with information on how to configure the action.
Custom Action API Session Storage period
Please be aware that where configured for use with FastTrack Marketplace vendors, sessionId is retained in the FT system for a period no longer than 7 days from first creation only. For more details log into the FastTrack Developer Portal and click here.
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