Recording Fringe Benefit Amounts

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Recording Fringe Benefit Amounts

If a payee has received benefits in place of salary and wages and if those benefits are subject to Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), the value of those benefits may need to be reported to the ATO. So that the benefits can be reported, the value of the benefits that are subject to FBT must be defined on the Payee record.

To record the payments that are subject to FBT, you must add a set of FBT details to the Payee record. To do this you must:

  • specify the start date of the FBT year in which the reportable benefits were received by the payee (this must be 1 April of the relevant calendar year)

  • specify the end date of the FBT year in which the reportable benefits were received by the payee (this must be 31 March of the following calendar year)

  • specify the grossed-up, year-to-date total value of reportable, taxable fringe benefits provided to the payee in the corresponding FBT year

  • if applicable, specify the grossed-up, year-to-date value of reportable, exempt fringe benefits provided to the payee in the corresponding FBT year.

Reportable exempt fringe benefits (also known as quasi fringe benefits) are fringe benefits that are reportable but are not subject to FBT due to the payee working in specific, FBT exempt industries such as the public ambulance service.

For more information about reportable, exempt fringe benefits, see https://www.ato.gov.au/law/view/document?DocID=SAV/FBTGEMP/00006&PiT=99991231235958/

How Are FBT Amounts Reported?

The FBT year runs from 1 April to 31 March of the following year.  When an STP end of financial year (EOFY) submission is transmitted to the ATO, if there is a set of FBT details with an FBT year end date that falls within the financial year that is being finalised, the reportable fringe benefit amounts defined by that set of FBT details will be reported to the ATO. The FBT details are reported regardless of whether the payee has received any other taxable payments in the corresponding financial year. For example, if a payee received reportable fringe benefits between 1 April 2019 and 30 June 2019 but the payee did not subsequently work after 30 June 2019, the fringe benefits will be reported in the STP EOFY submission for the 2019-20 tax year even though there will be no reportable gross payments or tax withheld.

This is in accordance to ATO requirements whereby the reportable fringe benefits amount for an income year (1 July to 30 June) is the value of the reportable fringe benefits provided in the previous FBT year (1 April to 31 March).

The FBT details can be added, edited or deleted at any time. FBT details will be reported in the STP EOFY submission that is sent to finalise a financial year if a set of FBT details, with an FBT year end date that falls within the financial year that is being finalised, are defined on the Payee record at the time when the STP EOFY submission is sent to the ATO. Therefore, it is important to add the FBT details for the last FBT year to a Payee record prior to finalising the financial year.

FBT details cannot be corrected once they have been reported via the STP EOFY submission. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the FBT details that are captured on the Payee record are correct prior to submitting the STP EOFY submission.

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