FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Assigning a Payee to a Pay Group

A payee must be assigned to a pay group before they be included in a pay batch and paid.

Pay groups group together payees whose pay is to be processed together in the same pay batch. For example, payees who have the same employment type and have the same pay frequency can be grouped into the same pay group and can therefore be payrolled together in a single pay batch for each pay period.
Once a payee has been paid in a pay batch the payee cannot be re-assigned to another pay group unless a new payee details validity period is defined for the payee.

A number of fields on a payee record become mandatory at the point of assigning the payee to a pay group as they also affect how the payee will be paid. If all fields that are mandatory have not been filled in prior to attempting to assign the payee to a pay group an error message will be displayed when you attempt to save the payee record. Refer to the error message to determine which fields need to be filled in before you can assign the payee to a pay group.

How to Assign a Payee to a Pay Group

To assign a payee to a pay group, follow the procedure below.

How to Assign a Payee to a Pay Group


If you do not already have the relevant payee record open in the Payee Entry screen, search for and open the relevant payee record in edit mode.


In the Pay Group field in the Payee Details > Employment Details section of the Payee Entry screen, select the pay group to which the payee is to belong.


At the top of the Payee Entry screen, click Save.

If the payee record was saved successfully and was therefore assigned to the selected pay group, a confirmation message is displayed at the top of the screen and no further action is required.

If one or more fields that are mandatory on assigning a payee to a pay group have not been filled in an error message is displayed at the top of the screen, identifying the fields that must be filled in before you can assign the payee to a pay group. If that is the case, take note of the fields and fill in those fields accordingly before attempting to save the payee record again.

